PAC-3 导弹


飞行器设计,哈哈哈。这个简单的问题对我来说也算是灵魂拷问了, 如何通俗地向周围的人解释专业方向显得很有必要, 毕竟大家都好奇这孩子这么长时间都学了啥啊, 估计HR也会很关心。


所有原始数据均来自公开文献(书籍、期刊、报告、专利、杂志、网络新闻等); 图片和视频均来自网络,版权归原作者所有;关于数据的准确性,仅供参考。 如有需要,请引用原作者原文献。



  • Patriot是经过实战检验的机动陆基防空反导导弹系统,用于拦截飞机、战术弹道导弹和巡航导弹等。[1]
  • Patriot得名于系统AN/MPQ-53相控阵雷达:Phased Array Tracking Radar to Intercept on Target。 [2] [3] [4]
  • Patriot系统最早可追溯到1950年代,美国陆军第一个反战术弹道导弹的项目Plato,由于种种原因,Plato项目被取消了。 1961年,开始FABMDS(Field Army Ballistic Missile Defence System)项目,不久又被取消, 取而代之的是AADS-70(Army Air Defense System for the 1970s)项目。 1964年,AADS-70更名为SAM-D(Surface-to-Air Missile - Development)。 1967年,Raytheon成为SAM-D主要承包商。 1969年,发射第一枚SAM-D试验弹。1973年,项目进入工程开发阶段。 1974年,SAM-D项目演示了Track-Via-Missile(TVM)制导概念。 1975年,SAM-D导弹成功拦截无人机。 1976年,SAM-D进入全面工程开发(Full-Scale Engineering Development)阶段, SAM-D导弹系统更名为Patriot防空导弹系统。 1982年,第一套营级配置的Patriot防空导弹系统交付美国陆军。 1984年,Patriot系统具备初始作战能力(Initial Operational Capability, IOC)。 [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
  • Patriot最初只是反飞机(anti-aircraft)的防空导弹系统,经过系列升级,很快发展具备反战术弹道导弹能力。 1986年,通过软件升级,Patriot成功拦截了Lance导弹,展示了反战术弹道导弹的能力, 升级后系统称为PAC-1(Patriot Anti-tactical Missile Capability-1,Patriot ATM Capability-1,后来统一为Patriot Advanced Capability-1),PAC-1系统于1988年部署。 PAC-2进一步升级,包括软件和导弹战斗部、引信的硬件升级,相应导弹称为PAC-2导弹; 1987年,PAC-2进行第一次飞行试验;PAC-2在1990年部署,正好赶上海湾战争爆发, Patriot系统(PAC-1、PAC-2)被投入沙漠盾牌行动、沙漠风暴行动中,这加速了PAC-2导弹的生产制造。 海湾战争突显了战术弹道导弹防御的重要性,Patriot系统继续升级,其中在PAC-2导弹基础上改进战斗部引信和导引头, 得到GEM(Guidance Enhanced Missile)导弹和GEM+导弹,GEM导弹在1994年投入生产,GEM+导弹在2002年交付美国陆军; 同时,在1994年ERINT导弹被选为PAC-3导弹。 PAC-3(Patriot Advanced Capability-3)是包含Configuration 1、2、3的系列升级, 主要包括AN/MPQ-65雷达、GEM导弹、GEM+导弹和PAC-3导弹(ERINT导弹改进型), 2000年Configuration 3完成,2002年PAC-3具备初始作战能力(IOC),2003年投入伊拉克战争中实战。 目前,Patriot系统还在不断升级、试验,包括AESA GaN雷达和PAC-3 MSE导弹等。[1] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
  • PAC-3防空反导导弹系统与PAC-3导弹。PAC-3防空反导导弹系统主要承包商是Raytheon,提供包括AN/MPQ-65雷达和PAC-2导弹等;而PAC-3导弹则由Lockheed Martin研制。


PAC-3系统一个火力单元(Fire Unit),或者一个导弹连(Battery)的基本配置为 [1] [15] [17] [21]

  • AN/MPQ-53、AN/MPQ-65雷达 1部
  • AN/MSQ-104、AN/MSQ-132作战控制平台 1部
  • OE-349天线杆 1套
  • AN/MSQ-24 EPP III电源 1部
  • M901、M902、M903发射平台 8套

一个典型的PAC-3导弹营(Battalion)的配置包含4-6个火力单元, 以及一个信息协调中心(Information Coordination Central,ICC)、 战术指挥系统(Tactical Command System,TCS)、 通信传递装置(Communications Relay Group,CRG)等 [15] [22] [23]


  • AN/MPQ-53是多功能相控阵雷达,集探测、识别、跟踪、制导、电子对抗等功能于一身。[22] [24]
  • AN/MPQ-65是AN/MPQ-53的升级版,在PAC-3 Configuration 3中完成, 采用双行波管单元和新的射频振荡激发器,雷达性能提高。{RaytheonPatriot2008FactSheet} [16] [17] [20] [22] [25]
  • 雷达频率为4-6GHz,C波段(C-Band),也有很多文献标为G/H波段, 这主要是存在两套电磁波频谱波段命名系统造成的,IEEE倾向于旧的命名分类,NATO采用新的命名系统。 [11] [12] [13] [26] [27] [28] [29]

  • AN/MPQ-65不具备作战能力,即雷达在工作状态下无法全方位地探测、跟踪、制导, 天线阵面在水平方位覆盖上只有大约的探测扇区、的制导扇区, 现场操作手册中介绍AN/MPQ-53搜索扇区、跟踪扇区,AN/MPQ-65搜索扇区应该扩大了。 不过整个雷达通过一个基座组件固定在半挂拖车上,在部署阶段可以通过基座组件电机驱动整个雷达在水平方位上进行旋转, 在一个典型的作战防御设计中,目标的来袭方向是已知的,火力单元中雷达和发射架方位部署都尽可能提高防御能力。[11] [12] [13] [15] [23] [24] [26] [30] [31] [32]

  • 雷达距离(Radar Range):150+ Km,这是北约(NATO)关于Patriot系统的资料页(Fact Sheet)中给出的数据, 这个距离应该是指雷达搜索探测距离。还有很多其它文献估计AN/MPQ-65雷达的作用距离,结果并不相同, 有160km、170km,甚至有280km、68km,这些数据大都是根据官方或半官方数据估算的,都有其合理性, 可能雷达波段、功率、天线阵面积、增益、目标RCS等估算数据稍有不同。 总之,针对典型战术弹道导弹目标,150+ Km的雷达探测距离是合理的。[2] [3] [4] [11] [12] [13] [27] [33] [34] [35]


AN/MSQ-104作战控制平台(Engagement Control Station)是火力单元级的指挥控制节点, 负责解算弹道、控制发射序列以及与发射架和其它火力单元通信。 现在已经升级到AN/MSQ-132,内部操作界面也进行相应升级。[3] [4] [17] [20] [26] [36] [37] [38]




  • 随着Patriot系统不断升级,为了适应新加入的导弹,系统的发射平台也由M901逐步升级到M902、M903。 关于M901、M902、M903之间的差异解释如下图, 大概意思是M901只能装载4枚PAC-2和GEM等导弹; M902可以装载4枚GEM,也可以搭载4个4联装的PAC-3导弹发射筒,也就是16枚PAC-3导弹,但是不能GEM与PAC-3导弹混装; M903可以装载16枚PAC-3导弹,也可以装载12枚PAC-3 MSE导弹,还可以混装8枚PAC-3导弹和6枚PAC-3 MSE导弹, 还有图片是混装2枚PAC-2导弹和8枚PAC-3导弹。M903发射平台就很灵活了,实战是肯定要满载, 平时飞行试验和训练就很随意了。[17] [22] [31] [39]

  • 发射架在水平方位上是可转动的(is trainable in azimuth),转动角度范围为, 当然这个转动与雷达类似,并不是在工作状态下实时进行的,而是在部署阶段就将发射架转到可能的目标来袭方向。 发射架在俯仰方向上是固定的,有两种状态,一种是水平状态,用于运输和导弹装载; 一种是固定俯仰,用于发射。[15] [22] [26]



PAC-3导弹是先进的末段防空导弹, 采用碰撞杀伤(Hit-to-Kill)技术, 是如今所有动能拦截器的技术探路者, 也是唯一服役并经过实战检验的碰撞杀伤拦截弹, 可以拦截Patriot系统所有威胁目标:战术弹道导弹、巡航导弹、飞机等。 [19] [40] [41] [42] [43]


PAC-3导弹的研制过程经历了原理论证(Proof of Principle)演示验证(Advanced Demonstration)工程开发(Engineering Manufacturing Development)三个阶段。

  • 原理论证(Proof of Principle)阶段(1981-1987)
    • 1980年代初,星球大战计划(Strategic Defense Initiative,SDI)
    • 低大气层防御拦截弹项目(Low Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor,LEDI)
    • 小型雷达-自主寻的拦截技术(Small Radar-Homing Intercept Technology,SRHIT), LTV Corp.(Ling-Temco-Vought)负责研发导弹
    • SRHIT项目重新命名为FLAGE(Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment),灵活轻型敏捷导引试验
    • 增程拦截技术(Extended Range Intercept Technology,ERINT)作为FLAGE项目的补充和延续
  • 演示验证(Advanced Demonstration,DEM/VAL)阶段(1987-1994)
    • 1986年,LEDI终止,SRHIT/FLAGE导弹发展为ERINT导弹
    • 1992年,Loral Corp.收购LTV Corp.,成立Loral Vought Systems Corp.
    • 1994年,ERINT导弹被选为PAC-3系统新的导弹(PAC-3导弹)
  • 工程开发(Engineering Manufacturing Development)阶段(1994-2000)
    • 飞行测试,系统集成
    • 1996年,Lockheed Martin收购Loral防务资产,成立Lockheed Martin Vought Systems, 也就是现在的Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control

关于PAC-3导弹以及美国弹道导弹防御的历史,文献资料很多, 整体描述大致相同,但是细节上会有些许出入, 其中涉及到众多新技术探索项目计划,经常出现某项目终止或合并到其它项目中, 各种技术之间传承关系错综复杂,下面这张图比较清晰明了。[8] [19] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59]



SRHIT/FLAGE项目源自于对碰撞杀伤(Hit-to-Kill)技术的探索,碰撞杀伤是相对于破片杀伤(Blast Fragmentation)而言的。 第一个进行了碰撞杀伤技术试验的项目是美国陆军的外大气层寻的试验(Homing Overlay Experiment,HOE), 不过这个项目对真正直接碰撞拦截精度似乎信心不足,在拦截最后会释放辐射状网盘战斗部来捕获目标。[7] [45] [58] [60] [61]

随后,SRHIT/FLAGE项目进一步探索了在低空用碰撞杀伤来拦截战术弹道导弹的制导控制技术, 项目名称“小型雷达自主寻的拦截技术/灵活轻型敏捷导引试验”直接点出了碰撞杀伤技术的基本要求, 即高精度的导引头、灵活轻型敏捷的弹体和响应快速的直接力控制,这也是后面所有采用直接碰撞杀伤拦截器的共同特点。

SRHIT/FLAGE导弹的基本参数:[50] [52] [54] [60] [62] [63] [64] [65]

  • 弹长:3m/3.65m
  • 弹径:0.23m
  • 最大速度:1000m/s
  • 拦截高度:5km
  • 固体火箭发动机
  • 毫米波雷达导引头
  • 弹体靠前环绕弹轴装有216个小固体火箭发动机,用于姿态控制
  • 无固定弹翼,尾部装有气动控制舵机
  • 飞行过程中自旋稳定(spin-stabilized),尾翼快速转到一个固定的倾斜位置以保持稳定和自旋特征 [66]

在1984年-1987年,FLAGE导弹进行了多次飞行试验(每次都知道这种是病句,但就是不想改), 具体的飞行试验见后面的飞行试验全记录

1987年5月21日,FLAGE在白沙靶场进行了最后一次飞行试验GTV-4,成功拦截了一枚Lance近距弹道导弹, 试验中Lance导弹从距离测试区域50km远的地方发射,飞行弹道最大高度为15km, 在Lance发射飞行了100s后,FLAGE导弹发射,在发射前12s, 白沙靶场的跟踪雷达将Lance目标信息(目标弹道或预测命中点)装订进FLAGE导弹, FLAGE导弹发射后采用惯性制导飞行目标,在弹上毫米波雷达导引头捕获目标前,共飞行了5s, 这期间应该没有地面火控雷达上传更新信息,系统还没有集成,在导引头捕获目标后, 自主寻的飞行2s后成功拦截Lance目标,在这2s中216个小发动机共点燃了60个,用于姿态控制。 最终拦截高度在3.6km/4.8km,FLAGE导弹最大飞行速度大约1000m/s,而Lance目标最大速度大约900m/s。 [50] [60] [62] [63]


FLAGE导弹在GTV-4试验中展示了直接碰撞杀伤拦截Lance这种近距弹道导弹的能力,之后, 碰撞杀伤技术在增程拦截弹ERINT(Extended Range Interceptor)项目中进入演示验证阶段, ERINT作为FLAGE项目的补充和延续, 最初是为了演示将FLAGE导弹作战距离扩展到更高的、战术上具有代表性的作战高度所需要的技术, 在1988年,ERINT项目被重新定位,目的是开发一款导弹,用于拦截战术导弹的防空系统中。 ERINT导弹的子系统与FLAGE导弹类似,整体尺寸比FLAGE导弹更大, ERINT导弹采用一款新设计的固体火箭发动机以提高射程射高, 增加了固定翼和杀伤增强装置,以及其它一些相应的改变。[7] [15] [16] [45] [49] [50] [51] [53] [54] [59] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72]

ERINT导弹的主要参数: [54] [67] [68]

  • 姿态控制发动机减少为180个
  • 弹长:4.8m/4.63m
  • 弹径:0.255m
  • 发射质量:324kg/304kg


在1992年-1994年,ERINT导弹进行了多次飞行试验, 包括成功拦截Storm战术弹道导弹目标和MQM-107D无人机目标。[45] [50] [53] [62] [67] [73] [74] [75]


1994年,ERINT导弹被美国陆军选为PAC-3系统拦截弹,即PAC-3导弹, 随后PAC-3导弹进入了工程开发(EMD)阶段。 PAC-3导弹是基于ERINT导弹设计的,整体上PAC-3导弹的外形与各个子系统都继承了ERINT导弹的, 细节上有一些小的改变,例如在外形上ERINT导弹与PAC-3导弹几乎相同,如果足够细心, 会发现弹体尾部的长度比例有明显区别,ERINT导弹舵后面的弹体长度差不多等于舵的弦长, 而PAC-3导弹舵后面的弹体长度大约是舵的弦长的2倍,这是因为最终PAC-3导弹的设计延长了喷嘴喉管, 另外ERINT导弹发射架上通常有PAC-2导弹的发射筒, 实际上ERINT导弹只进行了6次飞行试验,网络上关于ERINT导弹的图片并不多。 [15] [16] [25] [29] [49] [76] [77] [78] [79]

1997年至今,PAC-3导弹进行了多次飞行试验,并集成到Patriot系统中, 作为第一款服役并经过实战检验的碰撞杀伤拦截弹,PAC-3导弹也经常出现在各大航展中。[18] [80]


PAC-3导弹各个子系统高度模块化,由不同的单位负责开发生产, 相互独立而又协作集成,便于导弹的优化改进完善。 (这里我想说是现代工业系统工程的典范,好像又不太恰当,哎,读书多重要) PAC-3导弹主要包含如下子系统:[15] [16] [18] [25] [29] [46] [49] [79]

  • 导引头(Seeker)
  • 姿态控制发动机(Attitude Control Motor,ACM)
  • 惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit,IMU)
  • 制导处理器(Guidance Processor Unit,GPU)
  • 数据传输装置(Radio Frequency Data Link,RFDL)
  • 杀伤增强装置(Lethality Enhancer,LE)
  • 固体火箭发动机(Solid Rocket Motor,SRM)
  • 气动控制舵机(Aerodynamic Maneuvering System,AMS)

这些图就很漂亮了,毕竟抠图是专业的。 下面这张图在网上流传很广, 是PAC-3导弹基础型号(Baseline Configration)的设计图, 图中展示了PAC-3导弹很多细节信息,包括各部分尺寸数据、剖面图等, 个人认为这张图应该是官方流出来的,图中PAC-3导弹示意图与上面几张图是一样的, 图中数据是合理的,与PAC-3导弹最终版应该差不多。 图中左上角是PAC-3的图标,而ERINT是在1994年才被最终选为PAC-3导弹, 右上角标的是Loral Vought Systems,1996年Lockheed Martin收购Loral相关部分防务资产,包括PAC-3导弹, 所以这个图的时间应该是在1994年-1996年。

下图是PAC-3导弹主要子系统的生产制造单位及测试地点分布, 这个很有意思, Lockheed-Martin Vought Systems是PAC-3导弹总体设计单位, 导引头是由Rockwell International生产, 姿态控制发动机(ACM)和固体火箭发动机(SRM)是由Atlantic Research Corporation研制生产, 惯性测量单元(IMU)是由Honeywell制造, 气动舵机(AMS)是由Lucas Aerospace研制生产, 固体火箭发动机的壳体是由Lincoln Composites制造, 导引头主频发生器是由Loral Vought Systems负责。 从PAC-3导弹的硬件生产来看,Lockheed-Martin其实就是个组装厂, 总体单位都有这个特点。 而且,前面这些PAC-3导弹生产制造单位,大多数都被兼并收购过, 最初FLAGE导弹和ERINT导弹都是由LTV总体设计研制的, 后来LTV被Loral收购成立Loral Vought Systems, 1996年Lockheed-Martin又收购Loral Vought Systems, 这时候PAC-3导弹设计已经完成了,进入飞行试验阶段了; Rockwell International的空间和防务部分被Boeing收购了, 包括PAC-3导引头的生产; Atlantic Research Corporation被Aerojet收购了; Lucas Aerospace被Goodrich收购了; Lincoln Composites则先后被Technical Products Group, Inc.、 Advanced Technical Products, Inc.、 General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products 和Hexagon Composites Group收购。 PAC-3导弹子系统中最贵的应该是那个主动雷达导引头,由Boeing制造; 而PAC-3防空系统的核心,应该是那部AN/MPQ-65相控阵雷达,由Raytheon研制。

网上很多早期PAC-3导弹示意图存在错误,不考虑尺寸比例问题,下面两张图都是ACM位置标错, ACM应该紧接着导引头,GPU在ACM之后。


导引头是PAC-3导弹最重要的子系统,早在SRHIT(小型雷达自主寻的拦截技术)项目中, 就对毫米波雷达导引头关键技术进行攻关研究, 后来FLAGE导弹、ERINT导弹和PAC-3导弹一脉相承, 都是采用由Rockwell研制的毫米波雷达导引头。 毫米波雷达导引头是实现高精度测量制导、小型化以致敏捷弹体的关键。[46] [49] [64] [67] [79]

上面这张图片是来自Boeing官网,图片描述是 “Billy Collins, integration technician, completes final assembly of a PAC-3 seeker.” 而且胸前名字好像就是BILLY,不过现在Boeing官网找不到这张图片了,可以在Internet Archive上找到原网站记录。对比下面两张Boeing官方图片 [81],蓝色工装是一样的,导引头也是相似的,第二张描述也是Billy Collins,但看起来与前面的好像并不是一个人,不知道为什么找不到前面这张图片了,感觉导引头应该就是PAC-3的,拍摄角度或组装完成度可能不同。


  • 主动的Ka-Band距离选通脉冲多普勒雷达(active Ka-Band, range-gated pulse Doppler radar),距离和角度跟踪雷达(range- and angle-tracking)。[15] [49] [67] [78] [79] [82]

  • 单脉冲天线安装在一个两轴框架平台上,用来隔离天线与弹体的运动以稳定天线。(a gimbal system which provides an effective stabilized antenna platform carefully balanced to ensure maximum isolation of the stabilized antenna from missile body motion.) [49] [67] [83]

  • 陶瓷(ceramic)或者复合材料(composite)的天线罩。ERINT导弹的天线罩好像是石英(quartz)材质,外面还加了层可分离的杜劳特铬合金钢(duroid)气动热防护,最终PAC-3导弹天线罩应该是陶瓷的,陶瓷材料对电磁波好像更透明。[15] [45] [49] [54] [67]

  • 重28.68kg,长1057.1mm,长度数据与PAC-3导弹基础型号标准设计图中完全一样。ERINT-1导弹导引头重27.3kg,长1040mm。[49] [67]

  • 45°的圆锥视场(45° conical field of regard)。[67] 导引头的这个数据字面意思很直观,就是能看到的空间范围,但是45°指的是整个锥角还是半锥角,纠结了好几天,随便查点文献看下细节。首先是field of view(FOV)field of regard(FOR)两个概念的区别,FOV概念在摄影镜头中很常见,如下图 [84] 在雷达天线和导引头领域,FOV和FOR也是常见术语,但是很多文献在用的时候并没有给出严格定义,可能是意思过于直观没有必要, 有些文献还是直接明确正负角度。 The radar(THAAD radar) is nonrotating and has a 120° field of view. [85] The antenna typically has a 45° forward field of regard about the axis of the aircraft. [86] Hence the practical field of view is about 45° either side of the interferometer axis. [87] 当然也有文献给出FOV和FOR严格定义区别 [88] [89] [90], 大概意思是脖子作为外框架、眼眶作为内框架,当头、眼球都不转动时,眼睛能看到的空间范围就是FOV;当头、眼球都进行转动时能看到的最大空间范围就是FOR。 FOR也称为最大扫描角(maximum scan angle)。对于捷联导引头,FOV和FOR是相同的。 对于雷达导引头,FOV等同于波束宽度(beamwidth),以弧度为单位,波束宽度大约等于波长与天线孔径的比,即; 同时考虑不同的天线形状以及 的不同含义(有效天线孔径还是天线物理尺寸直径),不同文献给出的波束宽度计算公式稍有不同,以度为单位,等。 后面会讨论,PAC-3导引头的波束宽度很窄,大概4°左右,所以视场范围FOR基本由框架角范围决定。 回到纠结的问题,PAC-3导引头45°的圆锥视场是全锥角45°还是半锥角45°?中文文献导引头视场通常是指半锥角, 但从前面文献例子来看,FOV基本是指全锥角,或者表述中明确 45°这种情况。[91] 这样来看PAC-3导弹的导引头的视场范围应该全锥角45°,但是这并不符合文献中大的框架角范围(Large gimbal angle capability)的描述。 从图片和飞行试验描述来看,更倾向于 45°,即全锥角90°的视场范围, 注意 这张图片 中控制外框架转动的圆心角大约90°的扇形部件(应该是齿轮机构吧), 这意味着外框架转动的极限位置大约 45°。 另外,ERINT导弹在1994年2月15日的 飞行试验 中,以接近直角的交汇角成功拦截Storm导弹,[76] 后文目标系统中会介绍Storm导弹的速度是可以达到与ERINT接近的,假设攻角较小,那么从碰撞三角形可以看出,视线与弹轴大约有40°的夹角,这意味着导引头框架可以达到的视场范围可能是 45°。

  • 200 Hz导引头数据传输速率(200 Hz Radar/Missile Data Rate)。[67] 这是个重要的指标, 可以用来平衡制导控制系统时间响应常数的设计。[89]

  • 导引头还包含其它相关的电子元件,主要有行波管(Traveling Wave Tube,TWT)功率放大器、主频发生器(Master Frequency Generator,MFG)、数字信号处理器(Digital Processor)等。

  • 导引头还有反电子对抗能力(ECCM)、目标命中点选择功能(Aim Point Selection)、低RCS目标捕获能力等。[25] [49] [67] [68]

  • PAC-3导弹导引头相对于ERINT,在框架结构、主频发生器等元器件上都有改进和提升。[49] [67] [92]



  • 在1960年代,美国陆军的实验室就进行了毫米波技术开发应用,研究了在各种不同天气条件下毫米波的传播效应, 这期间产生了第一代35 GHz的毫米波导引头,Kenneth A. Richer总结道: “From the broad series of propagation measurements made to date, however, a general picture begins to emerge. One should be able to operate short range (possible 10 or more km) radars in the 35, 94, 140, and 225 GHz regions except for heavy rainfall and fog conditions at the two higher frequencies. Short range (1 to 2 km) radiometric systems should be feasible at 35 and 94 GHz; possibly only relatively cloudless days at 94 GHz. However, the extremely high resolution and potentially small size systems at millimeter wave lengths are attractive even for such relatively short ranges of operation. Further, millimeter wave techniques are extremely valuable for measurement of the environment itself.”。 这些研究指明了毫米波技术在导弹制导方面有哪些用处或者可以做到什么程度。[93] [94]

  • 毫米波雷达导引头,相比于微波(Microwave)、红外(Infrared)、可见光电视(Visual)、激光(Laser)等导引头, 有如下优势:在损失一定探测距离的前提下,可以在各种天气下全天候工作;波束窄,角度分辨率高,高精度; 天线孔径可以更小,整个导引头的小型化;距离和距离导数信息等。[88] [90] [95] [96]

  • PAC-3导弹的发展历史正是对毫米波技术的研发、演示验证和应用的过程。 对于弹道导弹防御,拦截弹的一个重要发展趋势就是小型化、紧凑、轻量级的配置。 特别是对于低大气层内(Low Endoatmospheric)战区导弹防御,拦截高度在10-25km, 导引头开机工作很大可能位于5-8km的高度,考虑这个区域的天气状况(雨、雪等)以及气动热, 只能选择毫米波雷达导引头,再结合作用距离、导引头天线尺寸、角分辨率等要求, Ka-Band的毫米波雷达导引头是最佳选择。 PAC-3导弹的导引头就采用Ka-Band的毫米波,中心频率为35 GHz,波长为8.6 mm, 文献给出的例子大都采用12-15 cm的天线孔径或直径, 利用下面几张图可以大致估出PAC-3导弹导引头天线的直径差不多也在这个范围内, 这样PAC-3导引头的波束宽度大约4°,针对典型的战术弹道导弹目标(RCS在1 m2左右)导引头作用距离大约在8-10km, 文献中有雷达方程中参数的典型数值,我没有算过。其实,对于大气层内弹道导弹拦截,从导引头捕获目标到拦截时间不可能超过2-4 s, 再结合弹幕接近速度,PAC-3导弹导引头的作用距离差不多就这样吧。[88] [89] [94] [95] [97]

有个别文章报道说PAC-3导弹的导引头是双模(dual-mode)的 [53], 这应该是和另外一款PAC-3系统的候选导弹混了,当时PAC-3系统升级时,需要增加一款用于拦截战术弹道导弹的拦截弹, 除了ERINT导弹,还有Raytheon在PAC-2导弹基础上改进的一款多模(multi-mode)导引头的导弹参与竞争 [78] [98],这个多模导引头是在原来C-Band半主动制导模式上又增加了一个主动的Ka-Band的能力。 而ERINT导引头只有主动的Ka-Band制导模式,后来ERINT被选择为PAC-3导弹, 所以PAC-3导弹导引头并不是双模的。



PAC-3导弹的姿态控制部分(Attitude Control Section,ACS),或者姿态控制系统(Attitude Control System,ACS), 包含180个径向安装的姿态控制发动机(Attitude Control Motors,ACMs)。 ACM是小型的、燃烧时间很短(脉冲式)的固体火箭发动机,也常称侧向推力器(side thrusters), 用于拦截末段自主导引制导中,提供俯仰和偏航姿态控制,快速建立攻角,相比单纯的气动舵机控制, ACM使导弹控制系统的响应速度有了很大的提升,这也是能够实现碰撞杀伤拦截高速弹道导弹目标的关键。[49] [67] [15] [89] [42] [21]


  • FLAGE导弹有216个ACM,ERINT导弹和PAC-3导弹有180个ACM。 PAC-3导弹ACS长为355.6 mm,与PAC-3导弹基础型号标准设计图中数据完全一样。 ERINT导弹ACS总重量大约26 kg,PAC-3导弹也差不多。[49] [67]

  • PAC-3的每个小姿态控制发动机ACM长度大约8 cm,固体推进剂的质量为28 g; ERINT导弹的每个ACM长度大约7 cm,固体推进剂的质量为25 g,总冲大约51 N·s, 脉冲中心(centroid)的时间大约12.5 ms,工作(action)时间大约24 ms,最大推力为6000 N。 ACM的结构参考ERINT的ACM剖面图以及下图。[15] [49] [54] [67] [100]

  • 姿态控制部分ACS中间芯部包含发动机点火电路(Motor Firing Circuit,MFC), MFC接收来自制导处理器GPU的点火指令,通过生成8 A的电流点燃相应的ACM。 问题是每次可以同时点火几个ACM?前后两次点火最小时间间隔是制导指令更新的时间吗? ACS的点火控制的电路板上有5个电路(The circuit card contains five hybrid firing circuits and four connectors), 可能最多同时点火5个ACM吧。这里关于180个ACM的安装排列方式的英文表达很有意思, “the ACMs are mounted in 10 rings of 18 ACMs per ring. Each ACM is spaced 20 degrees apart with the rings clocked 10 degrees apart. The MFC receives 10 Rank and 18 File optically-coupled drive command signals from the GPU.” [49]

  • 下图截取自PAC-3导弹宣传视频,是Aerojet对ACM进行点火试验, 图中明显可以看出存在同时点火2个或3个ACM的情况,而且每次点火基本上都是在前一次点火的ACM燃烧完之后。 但是图中ACM点火时主要呈现红色火光,带有少量黑烟,并不是浓白烟,感觉推进剂是液体似的, 也可能这只是一个姿态控制发动机点火电路控制的演示试验。

  • PAC-3姿态控制发动机ACM的一些历史。在前面弹道导弹防御路线图中,FLAGE导弹之前还有一个HIT项目, 这里HIT是Homing Interceptor Technology,这个项目中就研究了机动发动机阵列(Maneuver Motor Array,MMA), MMA是由56个T字形的小固体火箭发动机组成的圆柱形状的装置,小发动机喷嘴位于圆柱中间朝向外侧,推力作用于MMA的质心, 其实MMA属于轨控发动机阵列。[100] [101] 在前面碰撞杀伤技术研制时间表中,在大气层外还有一个反卫星的项目ASAT,并且成功进行了一次拦截试验, ASAT拦截弹有两级助推,第一级助推该自近距攻击导弹(SRAM),第二级为Altair III助推器,ASAT的战斗部其实是一个独立的杀伤装置, 称为Miniature Vehicle(MV)或Miniature Homing Vehicle,仔细观察Miniature Vehicle的图片容易看出, MV直接继承了MMA的技术,这一点也不意外,因为HIT项目中的MMA、ASAT项目中的Miniature Vehicle、SRHIT/FLAGE导弹、 ERINT导弹、PAC-3导弹都是LTV负责研制的,LTV最终是被Lockheed Martin收购了。[100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] 之前LTV研制的用于视线反坦克(Line-of-Sight Anti-Tank,LOSAT)武器系统的动能导弹(Kinetic Energy Missiles,KEM)也使用了类似的姿态控制发动机。 Lockheed Martin研制的CUDA空空导弹也用到姿态控制发动机,好像又改名叫M-SHORAD拦截弹了,姿态控制发动机更小了,数量更多了,控制会更精细, 拦截飞机的话,破片杀伤足够了,这款空空导弹应该是想用在助推段拦截。[106] 俄罗斯的Tor、9M96E、BrahMos、Tsirkon等导弹也有相应的直接力姿态控制系统, 主要用于导弹垂直冷发射后的姿态控制,与PAC-3导弹采用小的固体火箭发动机来产生侧向推力不同, Tor和9M96E导弹应该是利用了燃气发生器喷射气体来提供侧向控制力矩。 韩国的Cheongung(KM-SAM)防空导弹也有类似的姿态控制系统,Cheongung导弹是基于9M96E导弹研制的, 这些导弹的垂直发射过程看起来都很炫酷(赶紧百度了一下,百科有“酷炫”,没有“炫酷”,为什么要用炫酷这个词呢,还是书读得少呗)。


PAC-3导弹弹体中间部分(Mid-Section)主要包含惯性测量单元(IMU)、制导处理器单元(GPU)、 无线电数据传输装置(RFDL)和杀伤增强装置(LE)等。

最早FLAGE导弹的惯性测量单元是由Sperry负责研制,后来Honeywell收购了Sperry, ERINT导弹和PAC-3导弹的IMU都是Honeywell制造。对比文献中的数据和图片, PAC-3导弹的IMU应该就是文献中的Honeywell YG9800 IMU, 但是Honeywell公开的产品中并没有YG9800这个型号, 性能上应该与HG1700差不多。 YG9800 IMU采用3个1308环形激光陀螺(Ring Laser Gyro,RLG)和 3个QA1500线性加速度计,通过捷联模式安装在弹体上, 提供弹体系三个轴方向上的角速率、加速度和补偿角增量、速度增量。[15] [67] [107]

PAC-3 IMU的基本参数如下:[67] [107] [108] [109]

  • 尺寸:7.3 in 6 in 3.3 in = 18.5 cm 15 cm 8.4 cm [107] , 2100 cm3 [67]
  • 质量:2.7 kg
  • Gyro Operating Range: 1620°/s
  • Gyro Bias:2°/hr
  • Accelerometer Operating Range: 65 g
  • Accelerometer Bias:0.5 mg

从参数看出,PAC-3 导弹的IMU属于战术级(tactical grade)的。[110] [111]

这里PAC-3导弹的IMU都是1990年代的水平,现在光纤陀螺(Fiber Optic Gyros)、微机电系统(MEMS)传感器都可以达到战术级的应用, 相应IMU的质量、尺寸、成本都会减小或下降。[112]

学习一个高级词汇, Manufacture of the inertial measurement units is a routine activity at Honeywell.


PAC-3导弹的制导处理器(GPU),模型图中银色部分, GPU主要完成制导解算、自动驾驶仪等功能,根据IMU和导引头的测量信息,生成制导控制指令, 传给姿态控制系统(ACS)的点火电路和气动舵机(AMS)。 GPU也处理来自数据传输装置(RFDL)接收到的上传的目标数据;根据状态或指令,控制引信点火或自毁。 ERINT导弹的GPU部分数据可参考文献。[49] [67] [113]


PAC-3导弹的无线电数据传输装置(RFDL)包含发射/接收信号等电子器件以及4片环绕在弹体外侧的天线,RFDL工作在C-Band。 通过RFDL,PAC-3导弹接收从地面雷达上传的校正信息、目标弹道数据更新、预测命中点、自毁指令等, 同时向地面雷达或作战控制平台ECS下传导弹健康状态等信息。 在原理论证阶段的FLAGE导弹并没有无线电数据传输装置, 而ERINT导弹则只配备了目标数据上传系统(Target Data Uplink (TDU) system)。[25] [49] [67]


为了进一步提高针对吸气式推进的空中威胁(air breathing threats,ABT)目标的杀伤概率, PAC-3导弹还配备了杀伤增强装置(Lethality Enhancer,LE)。 LE主要包含组件结构、炸药、雷管、近圆柱形(cycloids)的钢破片(steel fragments)、 能安全解开保险的引信(Safe Arm Fuze)等。 24个近圆柱形破片在LE内部沿着外圆周排列为两个同轴圆环, 当LE的主炸药LE-1被引爆后,24个破片将以放射状形式低速向外扩展, 有效地增大杀伤半径。LE的主炸药LE-1重330 g,LE-1装药经过特殊设计,两个圆环的破片将以不同的速度向外扩展。 LE还兼有导弹自毁、飞行终止功能。 PAC-3导弹的LE部分长度约127 mm(ERINT的数据),总质量为8.2 kg, ERINT导弹的LE质量为11.1 kg,PAC-3的LE比ERINT导弹的轻主要因为24个破片的材质不同, ERINT的LE破片为钨(tungsten fragments),每个重214 g, 而PAC-3导弹的LE的破片为钢的(steel fragments),每个重95 g; 最新的PAC-3 MSE导弹的LE破片材质为钛(titanium fragments),应该更轻了。 PAC-3导弹相关的文献大都强调LE只用于拦截吸气式推进的空中威胁目标(非TBM目标)的情况, 而ERINT相关的文献通常没有这样强调,这也是PAC-3导弹相比于ERINT导弹着重改进的方面之一, 飞机、巡航导弹等目标的闪烁噪声对导引头选择准确的目标碰撞点带来挑战, 这类目标通常是软目标,LE的破片可以有效地提高对这类目标的杀伤概率。[15] [25] [49] [53] [54] [67] [68] [79] [98] [114] [115]


PAC-3的杀伤增强装置已经被Loral Vought Systems Corporation申请了专利, 更详细的设计参数可以查看相应专利文件 [116] [117]。 虽然专利中没有指明是为哪款具体导弹设计的杀伤增强装置,但专利中图片与PAC-3导弹的LE示意图几乎一模一样, 再从专利的申请时间和单位基本可以确定专利中的LE就是PAC-3的。


PAC-3导弹的主发动机为单级固体火箭发动机(single stage SRM), 主要部件包含绝热壳体、含铝HTPB推进剂药柱、喷嘴/喉管组件和前端点火器。


  • 发动机壳体材料为石墨-环氧树脂复合材料(graphite/epoxy composite),壳体长约2.5 m,包含喉管喷嘴组件时发动机总长约3 m,直径为0.255 m(10 in),数据可参考PAC-3导弹基础型号标准设计图,仔细观察可以看到在弹体中部贴有4片天线的部位直径应该更大, 而且弹体外侧沿纵向还有细长的肋条,里面其实是缆线通道(Wire Tunnel)。[15] [49] [67] [69] [118] [119] [120]

  • ERINT导弹SRM点火器在燃烧室后端,靠近喉管;PAC-3导弹SRM点火器燃烧室前端,靠近LE; PAC-3导弹比ERINT延长了喉管,这也是外形上区分ERINT导弹和PAC-3导弹的最明显特征。[49]

  • 发动机的壳体是很轻的复合材料,推进剂的质量分数高,ERINT导弹的SRM推进剂质量分数(mass fraction)为84%。 ERINT导弹的推进剂为Arcadene 451/Arcadene 452,其中活性成分为Be/Mg/Al,推进剂总质量为160~165 kg; PAC-3导弹的推进剂成分为Al/AP/HTPB(hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene, active components are aluminum and ammonium perchlorate), 推进剂总质量大约158~160 kg,比冲估计为260~265 s。[15] [49] [54] [67] [68] [121] [122]

  • PAC-3导弹的SRM是单级助推/续航双推力(single stage boost/sustain),药柱采用双药型设计, 沿纵向开有孔槽,再配合推进剂的燃烧速率,以实现期望的推力曲线(The baseline design is a dual grain configuration that includes longitudinal slots. These slots, along with the propellant burning rate, control the thrust profile)。 这个特点也可以从导弹的各种剖面图示意图直接看出,如图 这张这张这张这张[15] [25] [49] [54] [67]

  • 双推力大小和工作时间,这种参数一般不会直接公开的,不过可以从文献中的一些基本数据给出估计。 首先可以考虑PAC-3导弹的飞行试验视频,有些视频含有完整的PAC-3导弹飞行过程 [123], 从白烟拉线的情况可以看出SRM燃烧工作的总时间约为18~19 s,当然这些视频在时间轴上可能会有缩放,并不一定是准确的。 还有文献介绍了ERINT导弹SRM复合材料壳体的设计、制造和试验 [69], 从试验的条件也可以侧面看出ERINT导弹的推力大小范围,比如测试的高度范围是从海平面到24 km, 轴向加速度的范围是正轴向最大65 g,负轴向最大15 g(气动阻力吧),法向加速度范围为 65 g, 难道助推段的推重比能达到60?当然固体火箭发动机技术上是可以实现这个推重比,但是PAC-3导弹应该还没有这么大, 这应该只是测试条件更苛刻吧。 在后面介绍 PAC-3制导方法 中会提到一篇关于ERINT制导的专利 [124], 里面有ERINT导弹质量随着时间的变化的数据,如下图: 这里ERINT导弹的主动段总时间为13 s,这也是有一定的可能性的, ERINT导弹的第一次控制飞行试验计划中 [68],是在10.5 s时结束惯性制导并释放天线罩的热防护层, 在大约13 s时开始ACM点火测试,考虑到主动寻的导引的末制导段时间大概2~4 s, 期望拦截时刻ERINT导弹的速度尽可能大,以及ACM通常用于被动段,所以ERINT导弹13 s的主动段时间是有可能的。 利用图中质量变化曲线以及比冲、重力加速度,可以估计出助推段推力约为72 kN,续航段推力约为14 kN。 另外还可以观察发射视频,从发射到用于初制导转弯的姿态控制发动机点火,导弹飞出去大约两个弹长,飞行距离大约10 m, 飞行时间约为0.334 s,这样估计助推段的轴向加速度接近20 g,PAC-3导弹在助推段推重比为20+是合理的。 续航段推力主要用于维持速度,比最大可能气动阻力稍大吧。 还可以观察视频中发动机尾部火焰的大小来区分助推段和续航段,大概在4 s左右,火焰就不那么明显了, 当然这可能是距离变远的关系。 下面这张图截取自PAC-3导弹宣传视频, 应该是PAC-3导弹或ERINT导弹的固体火箭发动机试车, 从点火开始的4 s多时间内尾焰大小好像并没有明显变化,大概助推段时间就这么长吧, 也可能助推段与续航段尾焰肉眼无法明显区别吧。 总之,对于助推段、续航段的推力大小和时间分配,前面ERINT导弹的质量变化曲线还是有一定参考意义的。


PAC-3导弹的尾部组件(Aft Section Assembly)包含4片控制舵面、 4个电动舵机、相关电子元件、电池以及喉管喷嘴组件等, ERINT导弹的尾部组件还包括目标数据上传系统(Target Data Uplink System)。 气动舵机控制系统(AMS)为导弹飞出阶段(flyout phase,惯性制导阶段)提供俯仰、偏航、滚转控制, 为导弹自主寻的制导阶段(homing phase)提供滚转控制。 AMS接收来自GPU的指令信息,并反馈舵偏等状态信息给GPU, 尾部的电池为导弹的电子器件、舵机和导引头等提供电源, 这些信息、电能传递应该都是通过导弹弹体肋条中的缆线通道(Wire Tunnel)来完成。 从这张图中可以看出,PAC-3导弹在设计阶段不断改进完善,各部分会有小的变化, 比如为了稳定裕度,将电池移到尾部以调整质心位置; 控制舵面材料由钢的到复合材料再到钛的等等。 气动舵机控制系统最重要的参数就是舵机的控制特性,一般用一阶环节或二阶环节表示, 时间常数、频率、阻尼等参数都是不知道的,不过AMS是由Goodrich制造, 四个直流电动舵机控制器来自MSK。[15] [25] [49] [67] [83]

上图截取自PAC-3导弹宣传视频,是PAC-3导弹的气动舵机地面试验, 图中能看到舵面形状、4个舵机结构等,如果图片中确实是PAC-3导弹舵机结构实物的话, 容易看出舵面尺寸与弹体直径的大致比例关系,即PAC-3导弹的翼展接近弹径的2倍。


PAC-3导弹在2002年5月完成IOT&E,在2003年在战区部署(Deployed in Theater), 但是成本还是太高,所以伴随PAC-3导弹的飞行测试,成本削减计划(Cost Reduction Initiative,CRI)也在进行中, 即降低PAC-3导弹的成本并保持同样的性能(reduce missile cost while maintaining performance), 这主要是通过新技术的开发和应用来完成。 相应的降低了成本的PAC-3导弹称为PAC-3 CRI导弹, PAC-3 CRI导弹与PAC-3导弹的主要区别在于更新了三个组件:

  • 导引头采用了更先进的主频发生器(Advanced Master Frequency Generator,AMFG),这个成本效益能达到10:1
  • 多波段的无线电数据传输装置(Multi-Band Radio Frequency Data Link,MRFDL), 应该是在原有的C-Band基础上增加了X-Band通信能力,可以利用其它X波段雷达(MEADS或THAAD系统的雷达)来制导,方便更好地系统集成协作
  • 精简的惯性测量单元(Simplified Inertial Measurement Unit,SIMU),SIMU可能仍使用环形激光陀螺(RLG), 未来可能用光纤陀螺甚至MEMS传感器,成本会进一步降低

这三个组件中RFDL外形变化最明显,由方的变为圆柱形状的MRFDL, 在一些新的PAC-3导弹模型(或者PAC-3 MSE导弹模型)展出图片中可以看到RFDL是圆柱形状的。 PAC-3 CRI导弹与PAC-3导弹在外形上是一样的,后面在描述图片时就不区分PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 CRI导弹了,统一为PAC-3导弹。 2004年,PAC-3 CRI导弹进行了首次飞行测试。[46] [110] [125] [126] [127]


PAC-3导弹的各部分尺寸与质量分布数据如下图,图中数据主要来自PAC-3导弹基础型号标准设计图和 前面PAC-3各子系统中引用的参考文献。图中部分数据没有参考来源,特别是质量的分布数据,大概齐估的, 对导弹硬件实物完全没有认识。PAC-3导弹在整个设计过程中就是在不断优化调整,不同的文献给出的数据会有差别,都是合理的。 PAC-3 CRI导弹的发射质量比PAC-3导弹应该会有减少。 PAC-3导弹的气动系数主要取决于外形尺寸,除了上图中数据外,翼展数据也很重要, 下图P自 PAC-3导弹基础型号标准设计图, 再结合PAC-3导弹一些示意图、模型图片、飞行试验发射图片、舵机图片等, 可以确信PAC-3导弹的固定翼与控制舵面的翼展相等且翼展接近弹径的2倍,弹径为0.255 m, 那么翼展为0.48 m ~ 0.5 m。[79] [128]

有很多软件可以用于PAC-3导弹的气动系数估算,粗略估计就用Digital Datcom,速度快, 还有专门用于导弹气动系数估算的Missile Datcom,输入接口更简单, 2011版本的Missile Datcom可以输出弹体几何数据文件for022.dat, 这个文件可以直接用Tecplot或Paraview打开,生成输入的导弹的三维模型, 其中弹翼的轮廓尺寸是准确定义的,但是翼型只是简单菱形。[129] 不同飞行条件下气动系数快速估算可以参考批量调用Missile Datcom的C++程序。 Datcom输出的PAC-3导弹外形如下图: 根据上面输出的PAC-3导弹外形,P了一个PAC-3的涂装,展示一下专业技能。

Datcom估算的PAC-3导弹气动系数如下: 为了与后面PAC-3 MSE导弹的气动系数对比,这里参考面积选为0.062 m2,力矩参考点位于弹头,参考长度为5.2 m。 导弹机动性与敏捷性: 机动性或机动能力(maneuverability)是指在作战高度飞行时升力可以提供的最大法向过载; 敏捷性(agility)侧重于对弹体的控制能力和响应速度,与静稳定裕度(margin of static stability)有关, 质心在压心之前时弹体是静稳的,质心与压心相对距离越大,稳定裕度越大,越不敏捷。 PAC-3导弹的官方描述中都强调了其敏捷弹体特性,这说明在主发动机工作结束附近(near or after burnout), PAC-3导弹质心在压心前面并且质心与压心位置很靠近,具有较小的静稳定裕度,这也是估计PAC-3导弹质心位置的重要参考, 其实单从公开文献中很难确定PAC-3导弹准确的质量分布的。固体火箭发动机从点火到燃烧结束,其质心位置变化会很大, PAC-3导弹在发射初始阶段应该是静不稳的。 那篇关于ERINT导弹制导方法的专利中也有气动系数数据,不过好像没给参考面积, 可以参考一下气动系数曲线形式、数据格式以及在仿真中使用方法。[64] [89] [124] [130]

不要使用Missile Datcom。


之前做拦截仿真时也会考虑整个防空系统或者火力单元的作战流程, 但都是参考一些简单的文献再加上自己以为的,怎么简单方便怎么来, 因为并没有见过真实的导弹,也不可能接触过实际防空作战过程。 这次整理文献,发现美军有公开的战地现场操作手册(Field Manual), 其中有较详细的Patriot系统的作战流程、面板操作指南等, 这对于了解防空作战过程以及系统仿真程序设计很有用。 例如,Patriot系统的C3I(command, control, communications, and intelligence)都包含哪些部门或机构场所,各自如何分工, There are three types of Patriot C3I facilities, tactical operations center (TOC), command post (CP), and fire direction center (FDC). Patriot火力单元中的作战控制平台(ECS)属于连级(battery)的FDC。 再比如,根据保护对象的价值或重要性,针对TBM目标将期望的作战效能划分5个等级,并细化7条综合射击原则。 还比如,2000年更新的操作手册FM 3-01.87中,此时PAC-3导弹还未集成进Patriot系统, 手册中有介绍系统程序如何将目标威胁进行分类的,将TBM进一步细分为两类Type A和Type B, The Type A TBMs are short-range missiles with a range of 300 kilometers or less. The Type B TBMs are medium-range missiles with a range of 300 to 1000 kilometers. 首先TBM B目标很好区分,因为弹道特征(速度、高度)与TBM A和ABT明显不同, 然后利用弹道爬升速率和高度关系(target climb rate versus altitude),来区分TBM A和ABT等目标; 还有目标落点(ground impact point,GIP)的计算,评估TBM是否针对某个保护对象的就是通过预测TBM的落点, The threat assessment logic determines if a TBM is a threat by predicting the TBM GIP, 针对TBM A和TBM B目标的弹道预测方法也不同,The trajectory predicted for TBM A targets will initially be ballistic, with a dive angle toward the target during the final phase of flight. TBM B targets are predicted to fly without a dive maneuver. 雷达搜索扇区,大部分情况都会有一个目标弹道平面的基准线(primary target line,PTL),雷达照射中心线就指向目标来袭方向。 典型的发射架部署,允许有10米的误差。 手册中还有射击模式的选择,根据目标和保护对象的价值不同, 常见的有 打-看-打(shoot-look-shoot)齐射(salvo)间隔短时间发射(ripple,firing of missiles in quick succession) , the normal method of fire for both TBM A and B is ripple. Ripple fire used for TBMs is slightly different than that used for ABTs. The time delay between firings for TBM ripple is P4-1 seconds while the time delay for ABTs is P4-2 seconds. 哈哈,这里涉密数据处理方法挺好的,用符号P4-1P4-2占位涉密数据,然后把这些涉密数据统一放到另一个涉密文件中,可以。[32] [23]

看了这些现场操作手册,内容很多,这个兵种好难啊,要理解基本原理、背好多数据, 平时训练不能少了,但是好像都可以自动化、智能化处理,操作员只要按一个发射按钮就行了。


通常导弹飞行过程可以分为助推(Boost)中段(Midcourse)末制导(Terminal Guidance)等3个阶段, 或者更细划分为5个阶段:Pre-launch、Boost、Midcourse、Terminal和Endgame。 并不是所有的导弹飞行过程都包含这些阶段。[131] [132] [133]

ERINT导弹的制导方法如下图 [67] [68] ERINT导弹的制导过程包含5个模式或状态(mode):prelaunch、flyout、acquisition、homing和endgame, 粗略地看,只有2个阶段:inertial flyout和homing。文献中关于ERINT导弹的制导方法的描述如下:

Following launch, the missile is inertially guided to the target acquisition point. During this flyout phase, the missile uses the aerodynamic control surfaces for pitch, roll, and yaw control. Target position updates may occur (as required) during this phase. Prior to target acquisition, the radome cover is ejected and the radar antenna is pointed to center the combined target error volume in the center of the seeker field of view. After the target is acquired, the guidance process begins using the radar seeker data for homing phase guidance and small, solid propellant attitude control motors for pitch and yaw control. Prior to target intercept, the Lethality Enhancer is fired based on the seeker range information. The missile will operate in the low to mid-endoatmospheric region and will be effective in fog, rain, snow and the anticipated counter-measure environments.

The ERINT guidance approach to achieve hit to kill performance consists of prelaunch prediction, flyout, acquisition, homing and end game modes. The prelaunch prediction mode consists of the Fire Solution Computer gathering data from the PATRIOT radar target torch and making a prediction of the target position for intercept. When the target is with in range a launch command is issued from the Launch Control Unit based upon Fire Control Computer data. After launch the missile flys (哈哈) to the nominal intercept point on inertial guidance control. When the missile computer determines that the missile has arrived at the acquisition point, the missile Radar Seeker is commanded to the acquisition mode. After launch, if the target trajectory changes from the prelaunch prediction, a guidance update is transmitted to the missile via the target data uplink. The guidance update provides the missile computer with a new acquisition point. After the missile Radar Seeker acquires the target, the homing mode begins and missile control response is provided by impulsive attitude control motors. The accuracy provided by the missile Radar Seeker and the rapid missile response provided by the attitude control motors gives the missile the hit to kill capability.

PAC-3导弹的制导方法与ERINT导弹基本一样,如下图所示, 飞行过程可以简单归结为惯性制导阶段(Inertial Flyout)自主寻的制导阶段(Homing/Endgame)[18] [46] [132] [134] [135]


PAC-3导弹的主发动机工作时间约20 s,对于拦截TBM目标,整个飞行过程时间一般不会超过30 s, 文献中对PAC-3导弹制导过程一般不区分初制导、中制导,从发射到导引头开机统称为惯性飞出(Inertial Flyout), 实际上是惯性制导飞向预测命中点。 惯性制导阶段的飞行过程对于拦截TBM目标和ABT目标应该是一样的,不过拦截ABT目标的飞行时间可能更长, 会有明显的中制导段(midcourse)特征。 其实PAC-3导弹发射后是有一段初转弯(initial turn)的初制导过程,可能时间很短(< 1 s),然后是中制导段。 PAC-3导弹惯性制导阶段的一些细节:

  • 热发射,发射仰角(Quadrant Elevation,QE)为38°。[26] [68]

  • 出筒过程如下图,点火的同时,发射筒的端盖弹开,看起来不像是燃气吹的,应该是爆炸螺栓和机械结构弹开的, 反正肯定不是导引头天线罩顶开的。出筒过程还会抛出8个小滑块,这好像叫适配器(Adapter),用于发射筒中固定导弹的, 4个环绕在弹体中部,4个环绕在固定翼和控制舵面之间的弹体上,出筒后应该是弹簧给弹开的。 出筒过程中PAC-3导弹应该什么动作也不做(不打舵也不点ACM)。 助推段加速度按照20 g、完全出筒所滑行的距离设定为6 m,则完全出筒所需时间大约0.25 s,出筒时速度约为48 m/s。 完全出筒后开始初转弯姿态控制的时间点是怎么卡的? 感觉从点火起固定一段时间(比如0.3 s)后开始舵或者ACM控制,逻辑上比较简单, 但是根据IMU等传感器得到的弹体状态来决定启动舵或者ACM控制应该更合理。

  • PAC-3导弹出筒后最明显的一个特征是姿态控制发动机点火1次, 这是PAC-3导弹初转弯姿态控制的代表性动作,如上两图及下图所示。 先看姿态控制发动机点火的位置,一般是在出筒后一个半到两个弹身,也就是在导弹点火后共滑行了大概7~10 m的位置吧。 通常初转弯ACM只点火一次,并不会像俄罗斯那些垂直发射的导弹初转弯,或者卫星的姿态调整, 姿态控制发动机先正方向喷,隔一段时间再反方向喷。至于初转弯这次ACM点火所消耗的ACM个数,个人认为只点火1个,保守点儿不超过3个, 初转弯绝对不可能消耗十几个甚至几十个ACM, 只是在1997年12月15日PAC-3导弹的第二次控制飞行试验中, 利用14个ACM执行了初始的拉起机动(After clearing the launch tube, the missile executed a pull up maneuver using fourteen attitude control motors),这应该只是对ACM的程序控制试验。 至于初转弯ACM点火控制的逻辑,个人倾向于简单的开环指令控制, 即根据发射前准备阶段(Pre-Launch)向导弹中装订的发射架位置姿态信息和预测命中点, 直接生成一个在给定时刻(比如SRM点火后0.3 s)的ACM点火指令,具体点火哪个ACM可以通过线下的试验或仿真来获得。 其实,之前一直认为PAC-3导弹初转弯并不需要ACM控制,或者对使用ACM控制的需求并不是那么强烈, 因为是倾斜热发射,气动控制很快就可以工作,而且这样仿真程序就可以更简化了哈哈。 事实上,很多PAC-3导弹的飞行试验中初转弯就没有使用ACM,如下几图所示。 不过,初转弯ACM点火一次,会提高初转弯的效率,有利于中段控制和增加末速。 这还没完,最骚的操作来了,竟然还有初转弯ACM点火2次的情况,如下图, 这两次点火并不是正方向喷一次再反方向喷一次,而是差不多相同的方位的ACM点火, 大概是第一次ACM点火后,发现姿态没调整到位,又点火一次调一下, 这说明PAC-3导弹初转弯使用ACM控制的点火逻辑并不是简单的一次程序指令,哈哈, 还是要根据导弹实时的状态来决定。另外这张图比较糊,看不太出来是PAC-3导弹还是PAC-3 MSE导弹, 不过从发射架来看应该是4联装的PAC-3导弹发射架。图片或视频都可以P的,这些分析都是基于图片中是真实发射情况。 其实,PAC-3导弹初转弯ACM点火2次大可不必,因为PAC-3导弹发射后很快就可以利用气动控制, 而且气动舵效率也很高。PAC-3导弹很多飞行试验的初转弯最后都有一个明显的拉起机动,如下几图。 上面这几张图中PAC-3导弹的初转弯都利用了ACM控制,但是图中明显的拉起动作距离ACM点火后有一段时间, 这个拉起机动肯定是有气动舵控制的,而且气动控制应该起到了主要作用, 因为在PAC-3导弹的很多飞行试验中,单纯依靠气动舵控制就可以完成相似的拉起机动, 如下几张图所示。其实 前面这张图 中采用ripple发射模式, 第一发初转弯使用ACM(就是这张图),第二发未使用ACM,但是完成了差不多同样的拉起机动。 整个初转弯应该是程序转弯,根据预测命中点方位,生成姿态角或者攻角、加速度的程序指令, 然后跟踪实现。 看PAC-3导弹的飞行试验,大多数情况初转弯都有明显的拉起动作,这个主要是方便中段惯性制导吧, PAC-3导弹所拦截的近距战术弹道导弹目标多数弹道落角可能较大,或者末段有拉起-下压的机动; 对于巡航导弹和飞机类目标,PAC-3导弹在初始段拉起也是有好处的,高抛弹道的拦截距离更远、末速更大, PAC-3导弹在拦截ABT类目标时基本都是从上向下杀伤目标。 那这就有个问题了,PAC-3导弹38°的发射倾角设置是不是不太合理, 这个确实有可能,新的MEADS系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹发射倾角就是70°的, 可能PAC-3导弹只是沿袭了最初Patriot系统的发射架设计吧, 而且在最新PAC-3系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹也是38°发射倾角。 当然,PAC-3导弹也有不是那么明显拉起机动的初转弯控制,如下图。 初转弯还是要根据预测命中点或中制导弹道设计吧,比如近距离低空目标,拦截这类目标可能时效性更重要, 拉起的弹道偏慢。

  • PAC-3导弹初转弯中气动舵控制应该是占主要的,ACM一般只点火一次就完了,所以也不存在与ACM的直气复合控制。 前面已经看到了,气动舵控制是可以很好地完成初转弯的,气动舵控制开始的时间应该说并不比ACM那一次点火晚, 如下图所示,不知道从这些舵控制的情况是不是可以总结出规律,比如在发射时PAC-3导弹是静不稳的。 还有一个可能的因素是打舵建立滚转角速度,开始滚转控制,一般认为PAC-3导弹在惯性飞出阶段是低速自旋的。

  • 这里顺便也说一下PAC-3导弹的射击模式。打-看-打模式很简单,就是先发射1枚PAC-3导弹进行拦截, 看看拦截结果,如果没拦截成功,再发射进行拦截,这种模式只能用于拦截时间窗口较长的目标,比如飞机、巡航导弹等ABT目标。 PAC-3导弹最常用的射击模式是间隔短时间发射(ripple),对于TBM目标,ripple是默认的射击模式。 ripple射击模式发射的两枚拦截弹一般是来自同一发射架或者同一火力单元中两个不同的发射架(这两个发射架距离不会太远), ripple射击模式主要是在有限的拦截时间窗口内提高拦截概率。 上面最后这张图中,PAC-3导弹的初转弯实现了弹体姿态偏航角或弹道偏角约90°的大转弯, 这展示了PAC-3导弹倾斜发射在水平方位上的覆盖范围,虽然不能实现360°全射向覆盖, 不过对于只有约120°探测扇区的PAC-3系统雷达,半个水平面的射向覆盖也是足够了。
    还有一种齐射的射击模式,但是好像并没有见过,齐射模式可以归结为ripple的一种, 把时间间隔设置为很短就行了,但是不能是同一个发射架内齐射。 找了很久好像只有一张图片勉强算是齐射的 [40] [136] , 也不知道是不是拦截同一个目标,如下图, 但是这张图存在问题,参考下面几张图, 这里奇怪的是上面这张图下面第一张图都算是官方放出来的图片, 居然明显不同,不用AI,光靠肉眼对比就能看出来, 肯定是有几张图片是P的,哈哈,毕竟P图是必备技能,好像现在总喜欢把适配器小滑块给P掉。

  • PAC-3导弹中段制导的描述很简单,惯性制导飞向预测命中点(inertial guidance to navigate to an intercept point), 如果需要的话,地面雷达可以上传更新的校准信息和目标弹道数据(inertial alignment and target trajectory data)。[49] 但是,对于不同的目标(TBM A、TBM B、巡航导弹、飞机等)弹道预报就不同, PAC-3导弹中段飞行的弹道还是会有一些不同的,特别是对不同射程的目标、机动目标, 预测命中点如何解算、上传更新的频率是多少, 针对机动目标是否会上传整条预报的目标弹道数据然后生成相应的实时制导指令,这些问题还是很麻烦的。

  • 上面这几张图是PAC-3导弹拦截不同类型的目标的中段弹道例子,看起来还是有一些共同特点的。 其实惯性制导是指一类制导方法,只需依靠惯性测量元件和相对于地球固定的目标点生成制导指令,不需要其它传感器。 具体实施时,比如考虑终端弹道倾角约束、时间最短、控制能量最小或者终端速度最大等条件, 不同的制导方法可以飞出不同形式的中段弹道。 PAC-3导弹中制导段具体制导方法可以参考专利《Real Time Missile Guidance System》,[124] 这个专利介绍了一种用于迭代求解导弹制导加速度指令的弱Hamiltonian有限元方法, 算是最优制导问题的一种数值求解方法,性能指标是导弹的末端速度最大, 同时满足控制上下界约束和终端姿态约束。没仔细研究这个弱Hamiltonian有限元方法(weak Hamiltonian finite element method), 看起来是把一阶变分条件离散为代数方程,然后用Newton-Raphson迭代求解方程,算是间接法吧。 之所以说PAC-3导弹的中制导可以参考这篇专利, 是因为从专利的作者单位(Loral Vought Systems Corp.)、申请时间(1993年)、 导弹模型数据、图片及描述,可以推断这篇专利研究的制导算法的潜在应用对象就是ERINT导弹或PAC-3导弹。 专利中的图片如下,导弹图片与ERINT导弹的示意图几乎相同,包括各个子系统, 而且仔细观察会发现其拦截作战场景示意图中目标的图片与PAC-3飞行试验常用的Lance目标靶弹一模一样。 当然,无法得知最终PAC-3导弹中制导是否采用了此专利中的方法, 不过从飞行试验中段弹道来看,中制导应该是采用某种末速尽可能大的次优制导算法。 这篇专利中有很多关于导弹模型的细节,甚至还附有详细Fortran程序,但是缺少几个数据文件。

  • PAC-3导弹中制导只用气动舵控制,而且飞行过程中弹体绕纵轴自旋,自旋角速度为30 RPM,即180°/s(频率0.5 Hz)。 关于飞行中段弹体自旋这个说法,一直很怀疑,有文献说是为了稳定,而且滚转稳定的技术都是继承自SRHIT/FLAGE项目, 其实中段就是常见的尾舵气动控制,不使用姿态控制发动机,没有ACM点火产生的扰流,感觉没必要维持一定速度的自旋, 而且自旋后,舵控制信号变为周期的,姿态控制各通道的耦合也会加深, 对实际舵机能力没什么直观概念,也许舵机响应速度很快、带宽很高,这种低速自旋它感受不到。 还有一种可能是为末制导段自旋做准备,便于进入末制导吧。[49] [53] [59] [69] [79] [137]



Shortly before arrival at the intercept point, the missile’s on-board Ka-band radar homing seeker acquires the target, the missile’s rate of spin is increased, and terminal homing guidance is accomplished to eliminate miss distance. The control necessary for HTK is provided by the agile, lightweight, missile airframe, fast response aerodynamic vanes and ACMs which effectively control the missile’s rotational inertia.

  • 末制导阶段从雷达导引头捕获目标开始,应该是地面雷达根据PAC-3导弹和目标的相对距离上传的导引头开机指令, 并给出导引头天线框架角指令,使天线指向目标,便于搜索。

  • 末制导阶段采用直气复合控制,ACM控制弹体的俯仰和偏航,尾舵只用于控制弹体的滚转运动, 此时舵的作用等同于副翼。当雷达导引头捕获目标后,导弹的自旋角速率提升至180 RPM,即1080°/s(频率3 Hz)。 这里弹体自旋主要是为了减小ACM点火时喷流扰动经过尾舵所产生的干扰力矩,同时可以更充分利用所有的ACM。 可以想象,导引头框架控制的情形,导引头框架是用来隔离天线与弹体的运动,以使天线稳定地指向目标, 弹体自旋后,导引头框架也要相应地做近周期的运动。[53] [66] [67] [69] [79] [137]

  • 制导律应该是比例导引、增广比例导引或者相关的最优制导。导引头部分说过,导引头的作用距离大约8~10 km, 末制导阶段飞行时间大约2~4 s,采用ACM直接力控制再加上敏捷弹体,制导系统时间常数应该在0.1 s附近或更小, 根据比例导引仿真结果,理论上可以确保得到很小的脱靶量,实现直接碰撞杀伤。[89]

  • 末制导段弹道如下图,时间上应该是在命中目标前2~4 s,弹道呈现明显的小幅螺旋摆动, 可能是自旋或机动控制导致,命中目标一般发生在被动段,其实末制导阶段很大一部分应该都位于被动段, 这样可以充分利用主发动机的能量获得较大末速度,而且主动段较大的轴向过载可能对制导不利(可以考虑补偿比例导引 Compensated Proportional Navigation)。 ACM点火产生的拉烟不连续,刚进入末制导时,ACM点火时间间隔比较大,越接近命中目标,ACM点火越密集, 这是典型比例导引特点。 最后这张图中初转弯和末制导段都有明显的ACM点火控制,没有双脉冲点火,应该是PAC-3导弹, 拦截的应该是飞机类ABT目标,命中后火焰像是飞机燃料燃烧,TBM目标一般用水来模拟战斗部,命中后一般呈现白雾或白烟, 而且只有一发PAC-3导弹发射,高抛弹道,飞行时间也比较长, 应该是采用打-看-打射击模式,而拦截TBM目标默认的是ripple射击模式。

  • 在末制导最后,有一个Endgame阶段,完成最后的制导机动,同时PAC-3导弹的导引头具有一定成像能力(Seeker Profiling Technique), 可以更准确选择目标的碰撞点,这主要是针对TBM目标,要选择目标战斗部进行直接碰撞杀伤; 对于气动目标ABT,由于闪烁噪声对导引头测量精度影响比较大, 在Endgame阶段PAC-3导弹会引爆杀伤增强装置,增大杀伤半径, 应该是在与ABT目标遭遇前几毫秒触发杀伤增强装置的引信。 有文献理论仿真研究中是以0.15 m的均方根(RMS)脱靶量作为直接碰撞杀伤的标准。[25] [53] [67] [68] [89] 从这些Endgame图片可以明显看出,PAC-3导弹拦截TBM目标是直接碰撞杀伤,拦截ABT目标时在遭遇前引爆杀伤增强装置; 弹体是在自旋;越接近遭遇,ACM点火密度越高。


网上关于PAC-3导弹的性能指标的讨论分析很多,但是多数没给出准确数据来源, 有些数据经过多次转手,传着传着就乱套了,甚至有些学术文献也采用了。 最常见的是把PAC-3导弹与PAC-3防空反导系统的性能指标混了, 还有混淆了PAC-3导弹针对TBM目标和ABT目标的一些作战性能参数。


  • 弹长(Length):5.2 m。PAC-3导弹在设计过程中是不断迭代的,主要参数数据都是在小范围内变化的,参考这张图这张图。 北约(NATO)关于Patriot系统官方事实清单、资料页或说明书(Fact Sheet)中弹体长度为5.2 m。 大多数文献给出的弹长数据都在5.2 m附近,5.2 m应该也是一个取整后的数值。[2] [3] [4] [15] [18] [33] [46] [49] [77] [79] [128]

  • 弹径(Diameter):0.255 m。各文献弹径数据基本统一为0.255 m或0.25 m, 不过前面分析过翼展应该在0.48~0.5 m,有些仿真模型翼展可能偏小。[2] [3] [4] [15] [18] [33] [46] [49] [77] [79] [118] [119] [128]

  • 质量(Mass):320 kg。大部分文献中质量数据在320 kg附近,应该也是一个取整后的数值。固体推进剂燃料的质量约为160 kg。[2] [3] [4] [15] [18] [33] [46] [49] [77] [79] [128]

  • 飞行速度(Speed):5000 km/h。这个数据是来自NATO关于Patriot系统的Fact Sheet, 关于PAC-3导弹最大速度的文献不多,之前通常认为PAC-3导弹最大速度可以达到Mach 5或5+, 但是现在一般都认为只有Mach 4.1,这其实差不多就是5000 km/h。[2] [3] [4] [8] [33] [128]

  • 飞行高度(Flight Ceiling):20+ km。这个数据也是来自NATO关于Patriot系统的Fact Sheet, 这里高度应该是指飞行高度上界。一般认为PAC-3导弹针对TBM目标拦截高度不超过15 km, The PATRIOT PAC-3 system is designed to intercept SRBM and MRBM in the terminal phase of a ballistic missile (at a low altitude: 10+km). [138] 主要是因为高度越高势能就损失一部分速度,而且大气密度也越低,这样气动升力可以提供的过载可能不够。 还有很多文献表述为低层大气层内拦截(low-endoatmospheric intercept), 或者low to mid-endoatmospheric,一般low-endoatmospheric是指25 km以下的高度范围, 这种表述比较模糊。[2] [3] [4] [33] [67] [68] [69] [89] [128] [139]

  • 针对TBM的防御范围(Defended Area):15~20 km。这个数据也是来自NATO关于Patriot系统的Fact Sheet,哈哈, 这似乎是指PAC-3系统的防御范围,一般讨论的是PAC-3导弹的作战距离或斜距,主要针对TBM目标,15~20 km倒是很合理。 这也可以从一些飞行试验视频看出,PAC-3导弹拦截TBM目标一般飞行总时间不超过30 s,平均速度大约1000 m/s吧。[2] [3] [4] [33] [128] [140]



这张图也是网上流传的很经典的一张图, 这张图表达的是2003年PAC-3系统的火力单元的防御范围比1991年海湾战争时PAC-2系统要大很多, 并不是指PAC-3导弹的作战距离。PAC-3系统中升级的PAC-2/GEM导弹还有新引入的PAC-3导弹,能力确实提高了, 但这张图主要表达的是发射架的远距离部署扩大了火力单元的防御范围。 升级的PAC-3系统战场空间(Battlespace)是1991年海湾战争时PAC-2系统的7倍。[1] [46] [79] 这张图有两种远距离,一种是发射架的远距离部署launch-on-remote,另一种是多传感器远距离协同作战engage-on-remote。

  • 远距离发射(remote launch)
    PAC-3系统允许发射架部署在距离火力单元的作战指挥平台(ECS)10~30 km远的地方。 远距离部署的发射架必须位于火力单元中的雷达照射扇区内,主要是针对TBM目标的防御, 作战控制仍然只需要火力单元内部传感器完成。[23] [25]

  • 远距离作战(Engage on Remote-A,EOR-A)
    EOR-A是2000年7月28日进行的一次飞行试验, 主要展示PAC-3系统具备利用远距离其它传感器来拦截地平面之下的目标的能力(demonstrated PAC-3 capability to engage over-the-horizon targets using data from remote sensors), 这主要是针对超低空巡航导弹目标,超出Patriot系统雷达视线之外的。 其实早在1994年PAC-3导弹就模拟过超地平线拦截的演示试验。[18] [25] [80] 类似的PAC-3导弹拦截超视距目标的飞行试验, 还出现在Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor (JLENS)系统中, 以及正在开发的Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense (AIAMD)或者Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS)项目,前面图片就是2015年11月12日AIAMD的第二次飞行试验FT-2,借助于远距离部署的Sentinel雷达数据, 引导PAC-3导弹成功拦截了Patriot雷达视线外的巡航导弹目标。 通过集成进IBCS系统,PAC-3导弹可以显著扩大其对巡航导弹这类目标的作战距离。 防空反导作战的趋势似乎是要将各种系统(拦截弹、雷达等)集成组网,engage-on-net。[31] [115] [141] [142] [143] [144]


针对弹道导弹目标,PAC-3导弹最初的设计只能拦截短程弹道导弹(SRBM),即射程小于1000 km。 而且目前PAC-3导弹拦截TBM飞行试验的目标射程几乎都是近距离的,这主要是白沙靶场场地限制, 拦截超过1000 km射程的弹道导弹目标的飞行试验通常需要在太平洋Kwajalein靶场进行。 PAC-3导弹绝大部分飞行试验是在白沙靶场进行了, 应该只有2002年在太平洋靶场进行的OT-2试验,PAC-3导弹拦截了中程弹道导弹目标(MRBM), 这个目标两级助推都是采用SR-19发动机(Minuteman II第二级)。 其实PAC-3导弹在白沙靶场也多次拦截了Hera目标,Hera射程也可以达到1000 km, 在白沙靶场Hera可以进行Pile Driver飞行模拟1000 km射程的末段弹道,这种也算是拦截MRBM目标的飞行试验了。 评估认为PAC-3导弹具备拦截中程弹道导弹(MRBM)能力。 一般提到拦截弹道导弹射程远近时都是针对整个PAC-3反导系统来说的, 但是针对弹道导弹目标,系统主要还是依靠PAC-3导弹来拦截的, 除了硬件,系统的软件升级同等重要, 而且导弹设计完成后,后期飞行测试主要工作也是围绕软件升级来做的。 PAC-3导弹不能拦截更远射程的弹道导弹,主要是这类目标再入速度太快, 可能导致系统雷达解算的拦截窗口就很小,以及弹目遭遇时相对速度太快, 导引头捕获目标后拦截时间太短导致脱靶量不足以碰撞杀伤。[32] [79] [145] [146] [147] [148] [149]


The PAC-3 missile is a high velocity, Hit-to-Kill, surface-to-air missile capable of intercepting and destroying tactical missile and air breathing threats set forth in the PAC-3 Operational Requirements Document. The PAC-3 missile provides the range, accuracy, and lethality necessary to effectively defend against tactical missiles with nuclear, conventional high explosive, biological, and chemical warheads. Although interceptor to target body contact generates a high destructive energy level against theater ballistic missiles, a two ring Lethality Enhancer (LE) is deployed near intercept to further increase single-shot probability of kill against air breathing threats. The PAC-3 missile uses a solid propellant rocket motor, aerodynamic vane controls, Attitude Control Motors (ACM), and inertial guidance to navigate to an intercept point specified by its ground based Fire Solution Computer (FSC) prior to launch. Inertial alignment and target trajectory data can be updated by the ground radar, if required, during missile flyout by means of a Radio Frequency Data Link (RFDL) on board the missile. Shortly before arrival at the intercept point, the missile's on-board Ka-band radar homing seeker acquires the target, the missile's rate of spin is increased, and terminal homing guidance is accomplished to eliminate miss distance. The control necessary for HTK is provided by the agile, lightweight, missile airframe, fast response aerodynamic vanes and ACMs which effectively control the missile's rotational inertia. The ACMs are small, short duration (impulse) solid propellant thrusters located in the missile's forebody forward of the missile center of gravity. [49]

The PAC-3 missile uses a solid propellant rocket motor, aerodynamic controls, attitude control motors (ACMs) and inertial guidance to navigate. The missile flies to an intercept point specified prior to launch by its ground-based fire solution computer, which is embedded in the engagement control station. Target trajectory data can be updated during missile flyout by means of a radio frequency uplink/downlink. Shortly before arrival at the intercept point, the PAC-3 missile's on board Ka band seeker acquires the target, selects the optimal aim point and terminal guidance is initiated. The ACMs, which are small, short duration solid propellant rocket motors located in the missile forebody, fire explosively to refine the missile's course to assure body-to-body impact. [42]

The PAC-3 missile would use a solid rocket motor (SRM), aerodynamic controls, and a guidance system to navigate to an intercept point specified by its ground-based Fire Solution Computer before launch. Shortly before reaching the intercept point the on-board radar would acquire the target, and the missile would maneuver to intercept the target. The control necessary for these maneuvers is provided by an Attitude Control Section. A Lethality Enhancer can be deployed near intercept to further increase the probability of a kill. [15]

The PAC-3 missile is a high velocity hit-to-kill, surface-to-air missile capable of intercepting and destroying TBMs and ABTs. The PAC-3 missile provides the range, accuracy, and lethality to effectively defend against TBMs with conventional high explosive, chemical, and nuclear warheads. The PAC-3 missile's leading edge technology uses kinetic energy to destroy targets through its hit-to-kill capability, in lieu of a proximity-fuzed warhead. The missile uses a solid propellant rocket motor, aerodynamic controls, Attitude Control Motors (ACMs), and inertial guidance to navigate. The missile flies to an intercept point specified prior to launch by its ground based fire solution computer embedded in the ECS. Target trajectory is updated during missile flyout through means of a radio frequency uplink/downlink. Shortly before arrival at the intercept point, the PAC-3 missile's on-board Ka-Band seeker acquires the target and selects optimal aimpoint initiating terminal homing guidance. The missile ACMs, which are short-duration, solid propellant rocket motors located in the missile forebody forward of the missile center of gravity, fire explosively to increase the missile's rate of spin and to enable the high resolution maneuvers characteristic of the PAC-3 missile. The combination of a fast missile airframe response and high impulse side thrusters generates a more rapid missile angle of attack than is possible with actuator-driven aerodynamic control surfaces alone. [21]

The PAC-3 missile uses a solid-propellant rocket motor (SRM), aerodynamic controls, and Attitude Control Motors (ACMs) during flyout to the target. The ACMs are small, short duration solid propellant rocket motors located in the missile's forebody, which fire explosively to refine the missile's course during the end-game of the flyout. [150]

The PAC-3 is a fire-and-forget weapon. The predicted intercept point, determined by the ERINT fire-solution computer from track data supplied by the Patriot ground radar, is loaded into the missile before launch. “Fly-out” is on inertial guidance, with the intercept point updated in flight using the Patriot radar as a datalink if required. During the fly-out phase, the ERINT, spinning at 30RPM for stability, is controlled aerodynamically using cruciform tail fins. In the terminal phase, the target is acquired by the missile's Rockwell-developed dual-mode, millimetre-wave (Ka-band), radar seeker. This provides “instantaneous” target data to the onboard guidance-processor and 180 “one-shot” attitude-control thrusters near the nose of the missile, now spinning at 180RPM, are used to refine its course to assure body-to-body contact with the target. [53]



PAC-3导弹在不断改进升级,最新版就是PAC-3 MSE导弹, PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement,PAC-3导弹分段增强导弹。 PAC-3 MSE导弹是在PAC-3导弹基础上自然而然地、有计划地改进升级, 早在2003年就签订了开发合同,最终是在PAC-3 CRI导弹上进行升级, 属于典型的螺旋式开发。 PAC-3 MSE导弹提供增强性能以应对不断进化的战术弹道导弹和巡航导弹等目标。[41] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155]

相比于PAC-3 CRI导弹,PAC-3 MSE导弹最主要的改进增强是采用了性能更高的、直径为11 in的双脉冲固体火箭发动机。 相应地配合发动机加粗导致的气动变化,采用了新的固定翼布局和更大的控制舵面,其它改进还包括杀伤增强装置, 以及升级了电池等以适应更长时间的飞行。[151] [154] [156] [157] [158] [159]

PAC-3 MSE导弹集成进Patriot系统是显然的,在2006年,PAC-3 MSE导弹还被选为MEADS系统的拦截弹。 PAC-3 MSE导弹在2016年装备第一个Patriot火力单元(First Unit Equipped,FUE)并且具备初步作战能力(Initial Operational Capability,IOC), 2018年完成初步作战测试与评估(Initial Operational Test & Evaluation,IOT&E)并开始全速生产(Full Rate Production,FRP)。[152] [155] [160]

关于PAC-3 MSE导弹的主要参数数据,还是参考PAC-3导弹, 因为Seeker、ACS、IMU、GPU、RFDL等模块与PAC-3 CRI导弹相同, 主要变化在于双脉冲发动机,相应的PAC-3 MSE导弹的质量和气动等数据会有变化, 不过这些参数目前都没有公开,双脉冲固体火箭发动机的推进剂应该是换了(A more IM (Insensitive Munitions) compliant hydroxy-terminated polyether (HTPE) propellent),而且双脉冲点火器、隔板等装置细节也不清楚, 所以发动机的质量也不能简单推测,网上一些讨论认为MSE的质量与PAC-3导弹差不多,也就是320 kg左右, 这个也是有可能的,虽然双脉冲发动机的总质量应该增加了, 但是PAC-3 CRI更新的那三个组件的质量应该也会有所减少, 而且PAC-3 MSE导弹也更新了杀伤增强装置,应该是换成钛材质的破片(titanium fragments), 所以LE的质量应该也是会减少。 更有可能的是PAC-3 MSE导弹质量比PAC-3导弹稍有增加。[115] [154]

PAC-3 MSE导弹的控制舵面更大,再配合上新设计的固定翼布局, MSE导弹更敏捷了,机动性更好。 双脉冲发动机增加了推力,以及采用适合的制导方法, PAC-3 MSE导弹比PAC-3导弹扩大了作战包络和防御范围(Increases Engagement Envelope/Defended Area)。 PAC-3 MSE导弹最初的设计是比PAC-3导弹的战场空间扩大50%(extend the missile's reach by up to 50 percent), 后来表述就不断在模糊,大概有这样几种说法:

Under the PAC-3 MSE initiative the company will incorporate a larger, more powerful motor into the missile for added thrust, along with larger fins and other structural modifications for more agility. The modifications will extend the missile's reach by up to 50 percent. The larger fins, which will collapse to allow the missile to fit into the current PAC-3 launcher, will give the interceptor more maneuverability against faster and more sophisticated ballistic and cruise missiles. [151]

The company also expects that the MSE will be able to increase by 50% over the existing PAC-3 weapon the altitude at which an intercept can take place. [159]

“MSE was originally designed to expand the battlespace of the current missile, in rough terms, by 50 percent in altitude,” he continued. “As a result of that capability expansion in altitude, you also get a commensurate expansion of the range--around 100 percent. So the battlespace for the machine has been greatly expanded, which was the design driver for going to Missile Segment Enhancement.” [152]

Building on the battle-proven PAC-3 missile, the PAC-3 MSE brings a larger, dual-pulse solid-rocket motor, larger control fins and upgraded support systems. With the enhancements, Lockheed Martin nearly doubled the missile's reach and dramatically improved performance against today's increasingly sophisticated ballistic- and cruise-missile threats. [161]

The PAC-3 MSE, budgeted for and managed under a separate acquisition program, was fielded in the first quarter of fiscal year 2016 and is an upgrade to the predecessor PAC-3 missile by providing better lethality and a longer range--flying approximately 50 percent higher in altitude and 100 percent farther downrange. [162]

Provides the Combatant Commanders with a hit-to-kill, surface-to-air missile that can intercept tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and air-breathing threats that have chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and conventional high explosive warheads. The MSE extends the PAC-3 range, filling a critical performance gap, and affords greater protection for U.S. and allied forces. [163]

The PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) is an evolution of the battle-proven PAC-3 Cost Reduction Initiative (CRI) Missile. The hit-to-kill PAC-3 MSE expands the lethal battlespace with a two-pulse solid rocket motor to increase performance in altitude and range and effectively counter evolving threat advancements. It is the world's most advanced and capable air defense missile, defending against the PATRIOT Air Defense System threat: Tactical Ballistic Missiles (TBMs), cruise missiles and aircraft. [158]

综上,可以认为PAC-3 MSE导弹比PAC-3导弹作战高度增加50%,大约23 km;作战距离扩大100%,大约40 km吧。 这里还是有一点模糊,没说针对TBM目标还是巡航导弹目标,认为主要还是考虑TBM目标。 目前PAC-3 MSE导弹的能力还没有完全开发出来,主要受限于Patriot系统雷达(While the PAC-3 MSE missile has an expanded battlespace over the PAC-3 missile, the radar is not able to sense and support the full range and capabilities of PAC-3 MSE.)。[162]

还有就是双脉冲固体火箭发动机的参数,这个很难估计,第一个脉冲应该是助推/续航双推力,第二个脉冲是助推还是续航很难说, 从优化角度助推比较好,但是从制导来看续航更好。从一些PAC-3 MSE导弹飞行试验的视频片段来看,第一个脉冲工作时间长度约18 s,第二个脉冲约4 s。

PAC-3 MSE导弹仍然是用于末段低层防空反导,拦截TBM的能力要比PAC-3导弹强,也可以拦截中程弹道导弹(MRBM)。[164]

PAC-3 MSE导弹直径比PAC-3导弹增大了,所以专门为MSE导弹设计了更为灵活的单箱(single canister)式发射筒,参考前面的M903发射平台,MEADS系统发射架应该使用了同样的发射筒,只是外观和装载方式不同。[40] [154] [158]

Patriot系统正在考虑升级地面雷达,很有可能选择Raytheon正在开发的AESA GaN雷达。 AESA GaN雷达除了性能提高,还提供360°探测和跟踪能力。 升级后的雷达对于发挥PAC-3 MSE导弹双脉冲发动机的性能潜力很有帮助。[17]

PAC-3 MSE导弹的官方描述

The PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) is an evolution of the battle-proven PAC-3 Cost Reduction Initiative (CRI) Missile. The hit-to-kill PAC-3 MSE expands the lethal battlespace with a two-pulse solid rocket motor to increase performance in altitude and range and effectively counter evolving threat advancements. It is the world's most advanced and capable air defense missile, defending against the PATRIOT Air Defense System threat: Tactical Ballistic Missiles (TBMs), cruise missiles and aircraft. As the U.S. Army increases its inventory, we expect to see continued demand for PAC-3 MSE.
• Dual pulse solid rocket motor expands battlespace performance in altitude and range.
• Highly responsive airframe, larger fins, upgraded actuators and thermal batteries deliver increased performance and extend the interceptor's overall reach.
• Stackable single canister packaging provides logistical flexibility with minimal launcher modifications.
• Up to 12 individual PAC-3 MSE missiles can be loaded on a PATRIOT Launcher, or a combination of six MSE and eight PAC-3 missiles (two four packs). [158]


PAC-3 MSE导弹还被用于中程扩展防空系统(Medium Extended Air Defense System,MEADS),关于MEADS系统的宣传很多,这里简单列一下。

MEADS系统的历史最早可追溯至1980年代末-1990年代初的美国Corps SAM项目,当时是为了替换过时的HAWK防空导弹系统, 后来德国、法国和意大利都有意加入该项目,以替换各自老旧的防空导弹系统。 1995年2月,美、德、法、意四国达成合作协议共同研发该防空反导系统,并更名为MEADS。 后来法国退出了,MEADS系统由美、德、意三国开发。 在设计之初,MEADS系统就被寄予厚望,90%的空中威胁目标都可以由MEADS系统处理。[165] [166] [167] [168] 而且,通常认为MEADS系统是用来弥补某些防空间隙,说法不一:

MEADS will defend troops and fixed assets from short range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and other air breathing threats such as aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles. MEADS role in the ballistic missile defense architecture will be to bridge the gap between man portable systems like the Stinger and the higher levels of the missile defense structure like the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) or the Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system while providing continuous coverage for rapidly advancing maneuver forces. [77] [165]

The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) is a joint missile defense project of the United States, Germany, and Italy originally designed to replace the Patriot system. The program was tasked to bridge the gap between smaller surface-to-air systems like the Stinger missile, and higher levels of the missile defense, such as the Terminal High Altitude Defense System (THAAD). It is designed to intercept short-ranged ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and other atmospheric threats. [167]

看起来像是弥补PAC-3系统与THAAD系统在防空高度上的间隙, 但仔细看,应该更强调区域防空水平空间上的更广覆盖, 因为PAC-3系统和THAAD系统的雷达都不具备360°能力。

2006年PAC-3 MSE导弹被选为MEADS系统拦截弹; 2010年MEADS系统完成关键设计审查(Critical Design Review); 在2011年进行飞行测试,前所未有地进行了越肩(over-the-shoulder)发射和三维空间内的初转弯机动(out-of-plane maneuver); 2012年,MEADS系统前所未有地进行了越肩拦截飞机目标; 2013年,MEADS系统第一次进行了360°双目标拦截。 之前美国还考虑用MEADS替换Patriot系统(The objective MEADS system will be comprised of the Battle Manager improvements as well as the Surveillance Radar and the Multifunction Fire Control Radar, and will ultimately replace Patriot at a rate of one battalion equivalent per year.), 目前MEADS状况不太乐观,主要是成本太高,连美国都消费不起,美国选择继续升级Patriot系统, 只有德国新一代战术防空与导弹防御系统TLVS选择以MEADS系统为基础。[40] [154] [169] [170]

MEADS系统主要组成部分包括PAC-3 MSE拦截弹、发射平台、系统雷达和作战管理系统BMC4I。

  • PAC-3 MSE导弹。在各种高度和环境下,具有碰撞杀伤精度的先进拦截弹。
  • MEADS系统发射架。[141] [171] [172] [173]
    • 外观上与PAC-3系统中M903发射架不同, 但是每个单独的PAC-3 MSE导弹发射筒内部应该与M903的相同, 对比飞行试验的视频和图片,可以看出热发射过程、发射筒端盖弹开等都是一样的, 发射筒内的适配器及其位置也是一样的,MSE的适配器在弹体中段LE部分和弹体最尾部(控制舵面后面), 很多图片中可以清楚看到适配器的印记和小孔。
    • MEADS系统发射架可以装载8枚PAC-3 MSE导弹, M903则更灵活,可以装载16枚PAC-3 MSE导弹,或者8枚PAC-3导弹、6枚PAC-3 MSE导弹混装, 好像也可以只搭载8个PAC-3 MSE导弹发射筒。
    • 发射角度为70°,近垂直发射,具备360°发射能力,越肩发射,所以基座不需要Patriot系统发射车那样旋转功能。 这一点是与PAC-3系统中M903发射架最重要的区别,M903发射架发射仰角为38°,不具备360°发射能力。
  • MEADS系统雷达包括UHF波段监视雷达和X波段多功能火控雷达。[171]
    • UHF波段监视雷达是脉冲多普勒雷达(pulse Doppler radar),有源相控阵天线(active phased array antenna), 具有敌我识别子系统(IFF subsystem),工作于凝视或7.5转/分钟旋转(staring and 7.5 RPM rotation)状态, 360°全方位覆盖(360-degree coverage)。
    • 多功能火控雷达是X波段的脉冲多普勒雷达,是有源电子相控阵(Active Electronically Scanned Array)雷达, 工作于凝视、15转/分钟旋转或30转/分钟旋转状态,360°全方位覆盖(360-degree coverage)。
  • 作战管理系统BMC4I。战术作战中心(Tactical Operations Center,TOC)。

MEADS系统还有一套先进的防空反导作战理念 [171]

MEADS系统现在的定位是世界级的战区防空反导系统(World-Class Theater Air and Missile Defense),官方描述如下 [170]

MEADS has been developed to defeat next-generation threats including tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs), unmanned aerial systems, cruise missiles, and aircraft. Proven hit-to-kill technology provides the best defense against TBMs armed with weapons of mass destruction. MEADS is the first air and missile defense (AMD) system that provides continuous on-the-move protection for maneuver forces. MEADS also provides area defense, homeland defense, and weighted asset protection.

MEADS系统在2011~2013年进行了3次飞行试验 [171] [174] [175]

区分PAC-3 MSE导弹飞行试验是Patriot系统还是MEADS系统,一般看发射车就行,Patriot系统试验时一般用独立发射架,MEADS系统试验一般都带着整个发射车; 再细一点看发射架、天线、发射角度等。


关于PAC-3 MSE导弹的外形尺寸数据,弹体长度一般认为与PAC-3导弹相同,为5.2 m, 但印象里好像没有文献明确这样说的,不过从模型图片这张这张这张, 从混装的M903发射架这张这张,都可以看出PAC-3 MSE导弹与PAC-3导弹的长度差不多。 PAC-3 MSE导弹的弹体前半部分各模块基本上全部继承了PAC-3 CRI导弹的,这部分弹体直径仍为0.255 m, MSE弹体后半段的发动机部分直径增大,早期Fact Sheet给的是发动机直径11 in,也就是0.28 m, 现在有杂志报道说是11.4 in(0.29 m),这也有可能,最终导弹比设计时直径增大了1 cm。 还可以利用前半部分弹体直径为0.255 m不变,从图片上按照比例测量一下发动机部分的直径。 这里还是按照11 in的弹径来估算气动。 还有翼展的尺寸数据,这些数据利用一些清晰图片按照比例测量一下就行了, 其中固定翼翼展的尺寸比较直观,基本上等于弹径的倍,如下面图片所示, 早期的PAC-3 MSE导弹的设计图和一些航展模型中固定翼翼展比例明显不对。[17] [41] [151] [154] [159] 下面这张官方手册中的PAC-3 MSE导弹的图片比例看起来是最符合实际情况的,只是绕纵轴转动了一点点,翼展稍小点。[170] 下面这张图可太清晰了,固定翼的细节很清楚,钛材质的弹翼和复合材料的发动机壳体连接细节, 由于固定用的把柄,每个翼面看起来不那么平整光滑,翼型可以按照六边形来算,翼梢很薄; 弹体前部与发动机部分连接过渡很平滑,走线用的肋条在过渡处的细节;导弹各个子系统之间铆钉连接, LE附近的LIFT HERE标记和适配器位置的小插孔;控制尾舵的折叠弹簧;ACS部分贴了一层什么材料,不影响ACM点火吗, MRFDL外面没看到明显的天线,倒是固定翼下面有几片凸起。[158]

根据这些外形尺寸数据,与PAC-3导弹气动估算类似,可以用Datcom来快速估算PAC-3 MSE导弹的气动数据, 如果可以使用Missile Datcom的话,这里有调用Missile Datcom的C++程序。 Datcom输出的PAC-3 MSE导弹外形如下图: 根据上面输出的PAC-3 MSE导弹外形,描得等比例的外形轮廓图、涂装示意图:

Datcom估算的PAC-3 MSE导弹气动系数如下: 上表可以看出,与前面PAC-3导弹气动系数相比(参考面积、长度相等),PAC-3 MSE导弹的升力与阻力系数均稍增大, 发动机段直径增大,但固定翼前移,压心位置稍前移。 其实PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 MSE导弹在外形上都是很接近的细长体,其升力、阻力系数相差不大, 不过尾舵的控制能力上还是有差别的,如下表所示,同样条件下和相同舵偏角,PAC-3 MSE导弹可以产生更大控制力矩、配平更大的攻角, 这里质心位置都假设为2.6 m,数据只是参考,实际条件可能不同。


显然,PAC-3 MSE导弹的制导方法与PAC-3导弹一脉相承, 但是这里有两个问题,也就是PAC-3 MSE导弹与PAC-3导弹的两个最明显的不同, 第一个是PAC-3 MSE导弹被用于两个防空反导系统:Patriot和MEADS,可以认为两个系统中雷达的作用是相同的, 其中MEADS系统中发射仰角为70°,具备360°发射能力,所以在MEADS系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹的初转弯可以实现越肩发射,这是PAC-3导弹不同的; 第二个是PAC-3 MSE导弹主发动机是双脉冲的,相应的中、末制导方法会与PAC-3导弹不一样。

下面是PAC-3 MSE导弹拦截Juno的视频,剪辑是专业的,视频中展示了PAC-3 MSE飞行过程很多细节。


  • Patriot系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹的初转弯

一直以为在Patriot系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹的初转弯与PAC-3导弹是一样的, 直到最近又看了几个PAC-3 MSE导弹的发射视频,才发现大意了。 先来看Patriot系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹发射后初转弯的过程,如下几图,这里都是38°仰角倾斜发射。 从这些图中可以看出,Patriot系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹的初转弯过程与PAC-3导弹基本相同, 大意的地方是指初转弯中ACM点火的细节,之前讨论PAC-3导弹的初转弯时,认为ACM一般只点火一次,还经常不需要点火。 但是这几张图中,仔细看,特别是高速相机拍的慢动作过程,明显PAC-3 MSE导弹ACM在初转弯中多次点火,应该有3~4次吧。 这里还是有些问题,每次点火几个,如果每次点火1个的话,为什么不同时点火,这些多次点火在时间上基本是连续的。 PAC-3导弹初转弯中没有明显的多次点火,是因为视频帧率的原因吗,视频一般是每秒30帧,ACM点火一次持续时间大约20 ms, 这些视频1帧中可能点火两次,但是看不出来,或者看起来是连续的点火一次。 更有可能的是PAC-3 MSE导弹就是这样设计的,初转弯消耗更多的ACM,以达到快速转弯的目的, 从上面图片也是可以明显感觉到PAC-3 MSE导弹的初转弯比PAC-3导弹拉出来得更快。 有一点是肯定的,ACM点火喷出的白烟是指示,ACM点火和没点火是很清楚的,点火方向也是明确的, 并不会出现正方向点火然后在反方向点火这种情况。 至于PAC-3 MSE导弹初转弯ACM点火控制,个人还是倾向于发射前装订的点火指令,简单、足够完成任务。 之前分析过这张图片中初转弯ACM点火2次,还说从发射架来看应该是PAC-3导弹, 但是到这里觉得图中更有可能是PAC-3 MSE导弹了, 因为早期PAC-3 MSE导弹的设计中是把控制舵面折叠后仍放入PAC-3导弹的发射筒 [151] [159], 所以PAC-3 MSE导弹早期试验中可能采用的是PAC-3导弹的发射架,如下图或者这张图片, 图中MSE导弹发射筒好像是固定在PAC-3导弹的四联装发射筒上面,看这张图片中远处的发射架, 难道只是为了固定PAC-3 MSE导弹发射筒用,反正是挺奇怪的。不管怎么样,不是PAC-3导弹就是PAC-3 MSE导弹,差不多。 其实仔细看一下MEADS系统最终的发射架早期MEADS飞行试验时的发射架也是不同的, 试验时的发射筒外观更接近现在Patriot系统单箱式的PAC-3 MSE导弹发射筒,当然MEADS和Patriot系统PAC-3 MSE导弹发射筒内部应该是相同的。

  • MEADS系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹的初转弯

MEADS系统中PAC-3 MSE导弹是近垂直的70°仰角倾斜发射,而且着重强调的就是360°全方位发射能力。 当然初转弯还是需要气动舵控制的,如这张图和下图。


双脉冲固体火箭发动机是PAC-3 MSE导弹与PAC-3导弹最大的区别, 并不知道PAC-3 MSE导弹双脉冲发动机在制导中是怎么用的, 通常官方Fact Sheet中介绍为双脉冲发动机提供了额外的推力(The PAC-3 MSE's dual pulse rocket motor provides added thrust), 提高性能,增大作战高度和距离。如果推力增大了或总的能量增加了,应该主要是依靠HTPE推进剂。

关于PAC-3 MSE第二个脉冲点火工作,公开的图片或视频很少。 下面这张图看起来像是第二个脉冲拉出的尾烟, 但是参考碰撞后目标残骸运动的距离,更像是ACM一直在点火机动的Endgame阶段。

很多文献结果显示某些最优推力问题的解接近双脉冲推力形式,比如末速最大的推力控制问题, PAC-3 MSE导弹的双脉冲发动机也可能有这方面的考虑,在2008年FT 7-1A飞行试验中有提到速度比预想的要大一些, 至于整个中段制导以及第二个脉冲点火时机、双脉冲能量管理都是目前双脉冲发动机主要研究问题。 其实双脉冲发动机对于导弹飞行包络内总的最大速度的提升可能不大,推进剂能量在那呢, 但是通过弹道控制以及双脉冲点火时间间隔控制,可以在飞行更远的距离时仍然获得可观的速度。 为了充分利用推进剂的能量,通常要在碰撞目标前完成第二个脉冲的燃烧, 最大末速的最优推力控制问题的优化结果形式通常在飞行最后阶段存在推力, 所以对于双脉冲点火控制,有个简单的策略,就是根据剩余飞行时间,让第二个脉冲燃烧完后正好进入Endgame, 对于一定距离内的作战,这样可以获得较大的末速。 "While there are times when the MSE missile would arc up and descend on its target, this is not a "fixed" trajectory," say Lockheed Martin officials. The missile guidance system will optimize its trajectory to preserve the most maneuverability in the endgame. [159] 上面这张图应该是PAC-3 MSE导弹的第二个脉冲点火工作过程,如果视频片段时间没有缩放, 第二个脉冲燃烧时间约4~5 s,图中还可以清楚看到刚点火不久,尾焰会喷出一些零碎的火光, 那应该是脉冲隔板碎片吧。下图中并没有明确标出是PAC-3 MSE导弹的第二个脉冲, 但图中两条白烟轨迹应该就是PAC-3 MSE导弹第二个脉冲燃烧产生的,因为这是两条孤立的连续的白烟轨迹, 时间大约持续了4~5 s, 之后过了一段无动力飞行才碰撞杀伤目标,如果是ACM点火控制的话,应该是最后那一段直到碰撞目标都是白烟。

下面这张图是明确展示PAC-3 MSE导弹第二个脉冲燃烧工作过程,来自前面这个视频, 而且这张图中展示了双脉冲发动机在制导中另一个可能的应用,就是第二个脉冲的推力用于末制导Endgame, 与ACM姿态控制发动机构成一套“姿轨控”发动机,图中可以明显看出第二个脉冲燃烧尾部喷出的火焰, 同时弹体前部的ACM也在点火控制姿态。 这个有点像专利《Thrust vectoring a flight vehicle during homing using a multi-pulse motor》中对多脉冲发动机的应用, 利用多脉冲发动机在寻的制导阶段进行推力矢量控制,但是这个推力矢量控制跟想象的不一样, 它是保留第二个推力脉冲,当导引头捕获目标时,先利用姿态控制调整弹体姿态,然后点燃第二个脉冲,过程如下图。 重点是这个专利单位也是Lockheed Martin,申请时间在2002年,不知道潜在的应用对象是不是PAC-3 MSE导弹。[176]


目标靶弹系统对于防空反导的评估很重要, 目标靶弹能在多大程度上模拟实际目标, 包括高度、射程、速度、航迹角、姿态、雷达散射截面积、红外特征等方面, 直接影响飞行试验代表性、有效性和防空反导导弹系统的实战能力。

目标系统(target systems)也很复杂, 包括发射载具(运载火箭)、载荷(再入弹头、干扰诱饵等)以及其它设备。 目标系统的设计原则:能代表真实目标(threat-representative)、可靠(reliable)、低成本(cost-effective)。

目标的分类也很麻烦,大体上分为弹道式和吸气式动力飞行目标,现在还有考虑高超滑翔威胁。 再细分就多了,这里只考虑PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 MSE导弹的目标,主要是战术弹道导弹和巡航导弹、飞机等。 战术弹道导弹属于弹道导弹在射程上的一个分类, 早期文献中关于弹道导弹按射程分类很混乱,现在基本都统一了: [23] [26] [79] [106] [138] [145] [147] [177] [178] [179]

  • 近程弹道导弹(Close Range Ballistic Missiles,CRBM):< 300 km
  • 短程弹道导弹(Short Range Ballistic Missile,SRBM):300 km~1000 km
  • 中程弹道导弹(Medium Range Ballistic Missile,MRBM):1000 km~3000 km
  • 中远程弹道导弹(Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile,IRBM):3000 km~5500 km
  • 洲际弹道导弹(Intercontinental Ballistic Missile,ICBM):> 5500 km


特别解释一下战术弹道导弹(tactical ballistic missile,TBM), 这是PAC-3导弹主要拦截目标。TBM是弹道导弹防御相关文献中很常见的术语, 但是似乎并没有严格的定义,基本上TBM就是指短程弹道导弹, 更混乱的是很多文献中TBM指theater ballistic missile, 其实在政策社群short-range、tactical和theater之间是通用的,并没有严格区分, 但是有的文献还真就严格区分tactical ballistic missile和theater ballistic missile, 大概就是tactical ballistic missile是指短程弹道导弹,theater ballistic missile是指中程弹道导弹。 还有个常见术语,战区导弹防御(theater missile defense,TMD), 这个术语绝大多数文献都是指theater missile defense,极少数文献用tactical missile defense。 战区导弹防御主要是针对射程在3500 km以内的导弹目标。 其实不管战术还是战区都是一个模糊范围,一般都相对于战略而言的。[9] [15] [23] [26] [48] [139] [180] [181] [182]

目标系统的内容很多,相关文献也很多, 这里主要考虑PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 MSE导弹飞行试验中使用过的目标靶弹, 列一下目标的基本参数能力。 PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 MSE导弹的靶弹包括战术弹道导弹、巡航导弹和飞机, TBM目标都是短程或中程弹道导弹,绝大多数靶弹都是在老旧的或退役的弹道导弹、巡航导弹、飞机的基础上改造的, 算是再利用以降低成本。


这里Storm目标靶弹通常也称为Strom I,因为后来还开发了Strom II靶弹。 Storm是两级助推的靶弹, 第一级采用Sergeant导弹的XM100固体火箭发动机, 第二级采用Minuteman II的第三级M57A1固体火箭发动机。 相关参数如下表。Storm目标靶弹可以模拟短程弹道导弹, 其实在PAC-3导弹的飞行试验中并没有用过Storm I靶弹, 但是在ERINT导弹飞行试验中使用过。[50] [54] [183] [184] [185] [186] [187]


Lance是一款近程弹道导弹,早就退役, 现在用作靶弹,物尽其用。 查了一些资料,Lance导弹很有意思, 在发动机和制导控制的设计上都很有特点。 动力采用液体火箭发动机,其实是两台发动机组合在一起, 续航发动机外边被共轴的助推发动机包裹(A sustainer engine surrounded by a concentric booster engine),而且续航发动机喉管可控制,续航推力可调。 尾部有阀门控制将液体推进剂压入尾部羽流来调节羽流喷射方向以实现推力矢量控制, 但是这个推力矢量控制应该无法实现自旋控制。 Lance导弹恰恰又是自旋稳定的,这是靠尾部4个控制舵面来实现的, 说是控制舵面,其实是固定翼,只是后缘存在3°的倾斜(3-degree cant on the trailing edge); 这种自旋控制需要足够的飞行速度,所以在弹体中部还有固体推进剂燃气发生器产生自旋力矩的系统(4个自旋发动机), 用于导弹发射时产生稳定自旋,这也是在Lance发射时可以看到独特的黑烟的原因。 FLAGE、ERINT、PAC-3 MSE导弹的飞行试验中都用过Lance作为靶弹,PAC-3导弹的飞行试验好像没有用过Lance靶弹。 Lance导弹也是LTV设计的[149] [186] [188] [189] [190] [191] [192] [193]


Hera可以说是专门为战区导弹防御(TMD)设计的目标靶弹, 主要是模拟真实的短程和中程弹道导弹,用于测试和验证TMD拦截弹的能力, 主要是用于PAC-3导弹和THAAD导弹的飞行试验。 Hera靶弹的设计是可以模拟从短程到中程一系列弹道导弹威胁目标, 包括惯性弹道和末段机动弹道,上级助推器与弹头整体再入还是助推结束后分离等等, 不同的助推器与弹头的各种组合,导致Hera目标靶弹设计型号众多,命名繁杂, 相关文献数据也很多,我已经混乱了,分不清各个文献中Hera靶弹到底是哪个。 最终用于飞行试验的Hera靶弹应该没有那么多型号。 基本上,Hera是采用MinuteMan II的第二级SR-19-AJ-1和第三级M57A1固体火箭发动机作为第一级和第二级助推器, 搭载常规弹头或机动弹头(Pershing II的弹头), 所以Hera属于SR-19家族和SR-19 M57A1家族。 Hera可以提供射程在75~1140 km、速度在1.5~3.0 km/s的惯性弹道或机动弹道(Hera provides ballistic or maneuvering trajectories over a 75- to 1140-kilometer range with velocities between 1.5 and 3.0 kilometers per second)。 除了常规的惯性弹道和机动弹道,Hera可以飞出一种称为Pile Driver的弹道或整形弹道(shaped trajectory), Pile Driver模式下,Hera第一级助推结束后调整姿态,第二级助推加速飞向地面,可以在较短距离内飞出高速、较小弹道落角的弹道, 从而在较小的陆地靶场(白沙靶场)模拟中程弹道导弹的末段。 PAC-3导弹在白沙靶场多次拦截Hera靶弹,但是通报中好像没有强调过是Pile Driver模式的, 有些Hera弹道描述看起来挺像Pile Driver飞出来的,不过都被认为是模拟短距弹道导弹目标。 关于Hera各种衍生型号的命名和能力,各个文献看似给的很详细,但是又好像对不上, 这里就列一下图表,更具体的数据自己看文献吧。[15] [50] [148] [149] [185] [186] [188] [192] [193] [194] [195] [196] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202]

上面这张图是Missile Defense Agency弹道导弹目标系统中部分靶弹,这张图可以解决一些困惑, 比如PAC-3导弹在白沙靶场拦截的Hera目标都认为是短程弹道导弹,但是没有说Pile Driver这种整形弹道情形。

这里PAC-3导弹拦截的Hera靶弹飞行试验中Hera弹道类型都是Shaped,Pile Driver弹道也称为shaped trajectory, 所以这几次拦截的Hera应该都是Pile Driver弹道,也可能这些Pile Driver弹道并没有完全达到中程弹道导弹末段的速度、落角等特征, 所以都算是拦截短距弹道导弹了。

上面这张图还是Hera早期设计阶段,Hera A为单级助推,Hera B为两级助推, 但其实最后只有两级助推的配置用于飞行试验了,单级助推跟Storm II靶弹在功能和能力上应该重合了。

下图为SR-19发动机参数及推力曲线,M57A1发动机参数参考前面Storm I靶弹


Hera靶弹设计得好复杂,不过充分利用退役的Minuteman系列洲际弹道导弹的助推发动机, 也算是靶弹设计典范了。

Boosted SR-19 SR-19

这个靶弹不常见,两级助推都采用SR-19助推器,也是SR-19家族成员了。 这个靶弹射程有1100 km,参考这张图。 PAC-3导弹好像只拦截过一次这个靶弹,就是2002年在太平洋靶场进行的OT-2试验, 应该也是PAC-3导弹唯一一次拦截中程弹道导弹目标(MRBM)的飞行试验。[145] [148] [149] [203]

Storm II

Storm II也是PAC-3导弹飞行试验中常用的靶弹,采用单级助推,发动机为SR-19,也是SR-19家族成员。 Storm II射程有350 km,参考这张图,用来模拟短程弹道导弹目标威胁,而且飞行试验中通常携带机动弹头(maneuvering target vehicle)。[15] [148] [149] [183] [184] [188] [204]


Juno搭载Patriot Target Vehicle时是一款与Hera相同的靶弹,采用相同的两级助推,即SR-19-AJ-1和M57A1发动机,所以Juno也是SR-19家族成员。 Juno多次用于PAC-3 MSE导弹的飞行试验的靶弹。[148] [196] [205]


PAAT是PATRIOT as a Target首字母缩写,实际上PAAT就是PAC-2导弹,但应该会有改动,比如把导引头去掉、制导程序改一下。 PAAT多次用于PAC-3导弹的飞行试验靶弹,用于模拟短程弹道导弹。 你看,是不是导弹生产太多了、技术更新又快,都要把防空导弹用作弹道导弹靶弹。[15] [188] [206]


Zombie是由U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command Test Execution Support Division开发的一套低成本短程弹道导弹靶弹, Zombie是在即将退役的多余的陆军战术导弹系统ATACMS导弹基础上改造而来,主要是利用ATACMS/M124固体火箭发动机。 Zombie系列靶弹包含4 m长的Sabre Zombie、6 m长的Pathfinder Zombie和带额外助推的Black Dagger三种。

  • Sabre Zombie在外形上与ATACMS(MGM-140)应该是一样的。ATACMS这个导弹胖胖的,看着挺可爱的。
  • Pathfinder Zombie发动机是采用ATACMS(MGM-140)的M124固体火箭发动机,弹体前半部分加长了。
  • Black Dagger也称为Boosted Zombie Target,实际上是在Pathfinder Zombie基础上额外增加了Terrier MK70助推器, 为两级助推。Boosted Zombie的射程超过Pathfinder Zombie两倍。

Zombie系列靶弹的发射架都是简单的导轨。Zombie系列靶弹是最新开发的模拟短程弹道导弹的目标靶弹,多次用于PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 MSE导弹的飞行试验中。 ATACMS(MGM-140)导弹也是LTV开发的[207] [208] [209] [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215]


QF-4是全尺寸的遥控靶机,由F-4 Phantom战斗机改造而来,用于模拟飞机目标。 QF-4最大飞行速度为Mach 2,飞行高度在15 m~15 km,飞行时间90分钟。 PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 MSE导弹都在飞行试验中拦截过QF-4靶机。[15] [216]


MQM-107是缩小尺寸的无人靶机,亚音速,飞行高度12 km, 发射时采用固体火箭发动机助推,巡航时动力由涡轮喷气发动机提供。 MQM-107可以用来模拟飞机或巡航导弹目标。 目前主要服役的是MQM-107D和MQM-107E两个型号。 PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 MSE导弹都在飞行试验中拦截过MQM-107靶机。[15] [217]


BQM-74是与MQM-107功能类似的无人靶机,可以用来模拟飞机或巡航导弹目标。 PAC-3导弹和PAC-3 MSE导弹也都在飞行试验中拦截过BQM-74靶机。[206] [218]


显然,飞行试验对于防空反导系统、拦截弹的设计和评估的重要性不言而喻, 毕竟,“实战是检验真理的唯一标准”。 这里汇总FLAGE、ERINT、PAC-3(含PAC-3 CRI)和PAC-3 MSE导弹的飞行试验记录, 主要包括陆军官方通报、DOTE年报、新闻杂志报道等描述的英文原文。 这部分是在2017年总结的,2017年之后的飞行试验就不列了,DOTE年报和新闻报道都可以搜到, 很多中文媒体也会跟踪报道。


先单独看一下PAC-3导弹的飞行试验结果数据统计。[145] [178] [219] [220]

Testing of the Patriot PAC-3 with a kinetic energy interceptor began in 1997. After the initial two successful non-intercept flight tests (most of the objectives were met), the Patriot PAC-3 attempted 27 intercept tests, of which 21 (about 78%) were considered successful intercepts. Additionally, some 92% of the primary intercept test objectives were met, as well as almost all of the known secondary objectives. (1997-2007) [44]

More than sixty PAC-3 CRI and MSE missiles have successfully intercepted targets in flight testing. (截至2019年) [158]

各个文献统计结果可能会有些许差别,一个是统计时间区间不同,再一个是统计拦截目标不同(比如只统计拦截弹道导弹目标), 还有一个是对于拦截成功的认定可能不同(是否包含部分成功等), 具体还是看官方试验结果通报或者DOTE年报,里面记录会比较详细。


美国用于导弹飞行试验的靶场很多,如白沙靶场(White Sands Missile Range,WSMR)、 夸贾林靶场(Kwajelien Missile Range,U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll,USAKA)、太平洋靶场(Pacific Missile Range Facility,PMRF)、埃格林湾靶场(Eglin Gulf Test Range)等等。PAC-3导弹的飞行试验主要是在白沙靶场和夸贾林靶场进行。[15] [221]


白沙靶场(WSMR)是美国国防部主要的靶场,位于New Mexico州南部,是美国很多武器装备的测试与评估地。 不考虑扩展区域(call-up areas),白沙靶场南北长约160 km,东西宽约60 km,总面积约8288平方公里, 可以用来测试射程达320 km(有杂志报道Hera飞了350 km,不止320 km,反正不到400 km吧)的短程弹道导弹目标。 绝大多数PAC-3导弹的飞行试验在白沙靶场完成。[15] [221] [222]

WSMR is a DoD major range and test facility with headquarters located approximately 25 miles east of Las Cruces, New Mexico. The range possesses unique characteristics necessary for the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and other Federal and commercial testing concerns to conduct safe, large-scale experiments on advanced weapons and space flight systems.
WSMR covers approximately 8,288 square kilometers (3,200 square miles) in south-central New Mexico. WSMR is the largest, all-overland test range in the western hemisphere. The range itself, together with adjacent call-up areas, has diverse environmental attributes and resources. The primary mission of WSMR is the operation of a National Range in accordance with direction from the Army Test and Evaluation Command and DoD Directive 3200.11, Major Range and Test Facility Base. This mission includes range instrumentation research and development; developmental testing of U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force air-to-air/surface, surface-to-air, and surface-to-surface weapons systems; dispense and bomb drop programs; gun system testing; target systems; meteorological and upper atmospheric probes; equipment, component, and subsystem programs; high-energy laser programs; and special tasks. WSMR also performs testing for commercial industry and foreign countries. NASA's nearby Lyndon B. Johnson White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) provides expertise and infrastructure to test and evaluate spacecraft materials, components, and propulsion systems. [222]

白沙靶场只有不到200 km的长度范围,却可以进行发射距离超300 km的靶弹测试, 这是因为在白沙靶场西北200多公里远还有一个靶弹发射点,Fort Wingate Depot Activity(FWDA), 从Fort Wingate Depot Activity向白沙靶场发射靶弹,射程可以达到320 km。 白沙靶场的沙子是真的白,看这张图这张图这张图


夸贾林靶场(USAKA)位于西、南还是中太平洋马绍尔群岛共和国(the Republic of the Marshall Islands)夸贾林环礁(Kwajalein Atoll), 是一个更大的导弹测试靶场,可以提供射程超过1100 km的中程弹道导弹靶弹测试。 PAC-3导弹在夸贾林靶场的飞行试验主要是拦截中程弹道导弹目标,靶弹为Hera或Boosted SR-19 SR-19, 从Wake Island发射飞向Kwajalein Atoll,PAC-3导弹可以从Kwajalein Atoll的Illeginni,Meck,Omelek,或Roi-Namur岛发射拦截。 Wake Island位于北太平洋Wake Atoll,距离Kwajalein Atoll大约1100 km。 这种从岛上陆基发射的靶弹射程还是有限制,所以还有海基和空基发射的靶弹,射程更灵活,不过还没在PAC-3导弹的飞行试验中使用过。[15] [203] [206] [221]

The proposed action at USAKA is to conduct up to two PAC-3 missions with up to two targets per mission, intercepting Hera targets launched from Wake Island. USAKA is located in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, approximately 3,700 kilometers (2,000 miles) southwest of Hawaii. The PAC-3 interceptors would be launched from either Illeginni, Meck, Omelek, or Roi-Namur islands of USAKA. These options would provide a target launch range of approximately 1,100 kilometers (680 miles). [15]

White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico is a missile test range with the capability to test using targets with flight distances up to 320 kilometers (199 miles). U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll in the western Pacific is a longer missile test range with the capability to test using targets with flight distances greater than 1,100 kilometers (683 miles). [221]

Kwajalein is the largest of the 11 islands in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) used under the terms of the Military Use and Operating Rights Agreement by U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll/Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site (USAKA/RTS): Kwajalein, Ennylabegan (Carlos), Legan, Illeginni, Roi-Namur, Ennugarret, Gagan, Gellinam, Omelek, Eniwetak, and Meck.
The U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll/Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site (USAKA/RTS), located in the Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), is the site of major test facilities for the DoD such as the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT).
Kwajalein Island is the largest of the 11 islands that make up USAKA/RTS. The U.S. Government has the right to use USAKA/RTS under the terms and conditions set out in the Military Use and Operating Rights Agreement, an agreement between the U.S. Government and the Government of the RMI. The proposed USAKA/RTS sites for the IFT activities include Meck, Roi-Namur, Omelek, Kwajalein, Gellinam, and Illeginni. Wake Island is a U.S. Territory under the operational control of the US Air Force and is a part of the Wake Atoll. The Atoll consists of three islands: Wake, Wilkes, and Peale. [206]


  • 1984-01-20 Control Test Flight

First flight test. An unguided ballistic trajectory flight to test missile performance and stability. Reportedly a success. First of a planned series of nine flight tests. [62]

  • 1984-03-15 Control Test Flight

Second flight test. Non-homing test in which the missile was to make a series of six pre-programmed maneuvers. Missile became unstable during second maneuver, and its radome and fins were torn off. Prior to the third test, ballast was added to improve the missile's aerodynamic static margin. [62]

  • 1984-11-29 Control Test Flight

Third flight test. Non-homing test. The missile reportedly successfully executed a series of pre-planned maneuvers. [62]

  • Fourth flight test

Date?? Fourth flight test. Test was to be against a stationary target suspended from a balloon. [62]

  • 1986-04-20 balloon target

Fifth flight test. Target was a 44 inch diameter aluminum sphere held in place at 12,000 feet (3.7 km) altitude by a balloon. Test was a success, with missile passing through the target. [62]

  • 1986-06-27 first intercept attempt

Sixth flight test. First intercept attempt against a simulated missile target, and the interceptor hit the target. The intercept took place 7 seconds after the interceptor launch at an altitude of about 12,000 feet (3.7 km). There was no up-link to interceptor after its launch. At intercept, FLAGE speed was 3,200 ft/sec (0.98 km/sec) and the target speed was 3,800 ft/sec (1.16 km/sec). The target was launched from an airplane and reportedly had an RCS of about 1 square meter. At the time of test, it was described as the sixth test in a series of nine. [62]

  • 1987-05-21 second intercept attempt

Seventh flight test, second intercept attempt. The FLAGE successfully intercepted a Lance ballistic missile (said to simulate a Soviet SS-21 missile). The Lance reportedly had a much smaller radar cross section than the previous targets. The intercept took place seven seconds after the FLAGE launch, at an altitude of 12,000 feet (3.7 km). At intercept, FLAGE speed was 3,200 ft/sec (0.98 km/sec) and the target speed was less than 3,000 ft/sec (0.91 km/sec). The FLAGE radar reportedly acquired the target 2 seconds before the intercept and 60 of the 216 small solid rocket motors were fired during the flight.[62]


  • 1992-06-26 Control Test Flight

First flight test. Flight test without seeker, intended to test missile aerodynamics. Missile reportedly successfully flew a 34.3 second pre-programmed flight, including 5 G in-plane maneuvers. [62]

  • 1992-08 Control Test Flight

Second flight test. Reportedly successful aerodynamic flight, without seeker. [62]

  • 1993-06-08 first intercept attempt, Failed

Third flight test, first intercept attempt. The ERINT reportedly missed a Lance missile target by a very small distance. The miss was subsequently attributed to unexpected vibrations due to the solid rocket motor thrusters. [62]

  • 1993-11-30 second intercept attempt

Fourth flight test, second intercept attempt. The ERINT hit a Storm reentry vehicle (3.3 m long, 1 m base diameter) filled with 38 water-filled canisters intended to simulate chemical weapons submunitions, and reportedly destroyed all of them. The ERINT was said to weight 710 lbs at takeoff and 350 at the intercept. [62]

  • 1994-02-15 third intercept attempt

Fifth flight test, third intercept attempt. ERINT hit a Storm warhead filled with water, simulating a bulk chemical warhead, destroying it. [62]

  • 1994-06-02

Sixth flight test. ERINT successfully intercepted a simulated aircraft target. [62]


  • 1997-09-29 DT-1 Control Test Flights

The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and the U.S. Army successfully demonstrated the first Developmental Test Flight (DT-1) of a PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. Preliminary data indicate the test was successful. Test objectives included the verification of launch and flight functions, interfaces with the existing Patriot System, and missile operation in flight environments prior to targets intercept missions. No intercept of a target was attempted in this test. [223]

  • 1997-12-15 DT-2 Control Test Flights

At approximately 11:15 EST, the second PATRIOT Advanced Capability (PAC)-3 controlled test flight took place. After clearing the launch tube, the missile executed a pull up maneuver using fourteen attitude control motors. The missile reached an altitude in excess of fifteen kilometers before pitching over to fly down range. Ninety-seven seconds into flight, the launch crew commanded the remaining attitude control motors and flight termination system to function. All indications are the missile flight was nominal. The Radio Data Frequency Link (RFDL), one of the items which did not function on the first controlled test flight, did transmit and receive data. [223]

  • 1999-03-15 Seeker Characterization Flight (SCF) test, Successful

BMDO and the U.S. Army conducted the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missile Seeker Characterization Flight (SCF) test at White Sands Missile Range, NM, today at 6:55 a.m. MST. Preliminary data indicated that the test was successful. The objectives of the test included collecting data and analyzing the system/missile capability to detect, track, and close with its target, gathering data on the PAC-3 missile seeker in a flight environment, and evaluating performance closed-loop homing guidance in flight. While interception was not a specific objective of the SCF, the PAC-3 missile did intercept the Hera target missile. [223] [224]

  • 1999-09-16 DT-3, Successful

The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and the U.S. Army today conducted a successful intercept test of the PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile at the White Sands Missile Range, N.M. this morning at 7:26 a.m. Mountain Time. Test objectives included a body-to-body intercept of a threat representative of a tactical ballistic missile target (Hera); a demonstrated capability of the ground system and missile to detect, track, and engage the target, and to collect data to evaluate missile homing functions. [223]

With the exception of the target reentry vehicle (RV), the design of DT-3 was identical to the SCF. The target for the SCF contained simulated chemical submunitions. The DT-3 RV was a simulated bulk chemical warhead. Data reduced and analyzed indicate the PAC-3 system tracked, engaged, intercepted and destroyed the target. Both the SCF and DT-3 were conducted with prototype hardware and software configurations and non-tactical seeker software. Additionally, the targets were not fully threat representative, since the seeker software had not matured to achieve threat level performance. However, post flight simulations using the tactical seeker software indicated a good probability of success against threat representative targets. DT-4 was scheduled for December 1999. It was deferred, however, after pre-flight hardware-in-the-loop testing revealed an unexpected target radar cross-section return signal that the seeker software was not yet ready to accommodate. DT-4 objectives would be investigated elsewhere in the flight test matrix.[224]

The Hera target flown for this test was the Block IIC Hera configuration with a modified ballistic reentry vehicle with a submunition payload. The Hera target was flown from Launch Complex 96 at Fort Wingate, N.M., reached an altitude of 92.5 kilometers and flew 350.1 kilometers down range in 406 seconds. The target missile flew a northwest to southeast trajectory to White Sands Missile Range to support an endoatmospheric observation of the separated Ballistic Reentry Vehicle by the PAC-3 seeker. [199]

  • 2000-02-05 DT-5 , Successful

A PAC-3 missile successfully intercepted its Hera target over the deserts at White Sands Missile Range. The Hera had been launched from Fort Wingate about five minutes before the launching of the Patriot. [223]

Flight-testing of the PAC-3 missile continued in FY00 with the successful intercept of a unitary Hera TBM target (MBRV-3) during the DT-5 mission on February 5, 2000. DT-5 was the first developmental flight test to use tactical seeker profiling algorithms to determine the aimpoint. Other test objectives included demonstration of remote launch (8 kilometers) capability and intercept of a full-body TBM target performing a low-magnitude helix maneuver. Problems during the test included a 40-second period five minutes before launch when the system reported that it had zero missiles in the launcher, low radio frequency data link signal strength and downlink power during the PAC-3 missile flyout, and unexpected detections in the PAC-3 seeker profiling spectrum. These problems did not affect the test, but could have an impact on PATRIOT system performance in other engagements.[80]

The Hera target reached an altitude of 107 kilometers and flew 344 kilometers down range in 431 seconds, and the PAC-3 found it. The Hera target flown for this test was the Block IIB non-separating (unitary) Hera configuration with a ballast payload. The Hera target was flown from Launch Complex 96 at Fort Wingate, N.M. The DT-5 target missile flew a northwest to southeast trajectory to White Sands Missile Range to support an endoatmospheric intercept of the non-separating Modified Ballistic Reentry Vehicle 3 (MBRV-3) by the PAC-3 system. The target was launched on a 148-degree azimuth and allowed to coast for 118 seconds after first-stage burnout to accommodate trajectory shaping and first-stage motor placement in the designated impact area. Following simultaneous first-stage separation and second-stage ignition, an energy management maneuver and a dogleg maneuver were performed to place the target complex on the final flight azimuth of 140 degrees. Following second-stage burnout, the target body was re-oriented by the Coast Control System to provide the desired conditions at the altitude of interest.[200]

  • 2000-07-22 DT-7 , Successful

DT-7, conducted July 22, 2000, was a successful intercept of an MQM-107 drone representing a cruise missile. [225]

DT-7, the first PAC-3 missile intercept of a cruise missile target occurred on July 22, 2000. In addition to demonstrating missile performance and lethality against a low-altitude cruise missile, DT-7 also demonstrated remote launch and the performance of a cold conditioned launcher, canister, and missile. [80]

  • 2000-07-28 EOR-A , Successful

Another MQM-107 was intercepted July 28, 2000 during a test not included in the developmental test program. [225]

Engage on Remote-A (EOR-A) successfully demonstrated PAC-3 capability to engage over-the-horizon targets using data from remote sensors on July 28, 2000. It was the second PAC-3 intercept of a cruise missile target. [80]

  • 2000-10-14 DT-6 , Successful

DT-6, conducted Oct. 14, 2000, was a successful intercept of a Storm (Storm II) target by a PAC-3 missile with a simultaneous engagement of an MQM-107 by a PAC-2 missile. [225]

The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and the U.S. Army completed Development Test-6 (DT-6) in the Patriot program. This was a complex test involving three targets and two interceptor missiles. The test entailed a simultaneous engagement using a PAC-3 and a PAC-2 missile and two targets, one a ballistic missile, the other an air-breathing drone. One of the principal objectives of the test was to demonstrate system capability to engage and destroy a maneuvering tactical ballistic missile reentry vehicle with a PAC-3 missile and a subscale air-breathing target with a PAC-2 missile. The test also aimed to demonstrate PAC-3 seeker acquisition and tracking of a target with a second object present in the seeker's field of view. The targets used in the test were a tactical ballistic target (STORM) and an MQM-107 drone (two drones were actually launched although only one was targeted). During this highly successfully test, which was conducted at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, the PAC-3 missile intercepted and destroyed the STORM target. While the PAC-2 missile did not destroy its sub-scale drone target (MQM-107), the drone did appear to be damaged. [223]

The DT-6 flight test was performed on 14 October 2000. This flight test was the simultaneous engagement of a Storm TBM by a PAC-3 missile and an MQM-107 drone by a PAC-2 missile. The PAC-3 missile, canister, and launcher were cold conditioned. The Storm target carried 28 simulated chemical submunitions (filled with water) and released a second object shortly before intercept to test PAC-3 missile discrimination. The PAC-2 target was a MQM-107 drone. Both missiles were launched near simultaneously; the PAC-3 missile intercepted the Storm target just before the PAC-2 warhead detonated past the tail of the MQM-107. While the PAC-2 is designed to destroy targets through use of a warhead and not body-to-body impact, the timing of the warhead detonation was anomalous with only a few fragments impacting the tail of the drone. Post mission analysis clearly shows that this anomaly was the result of a PAC-2 missile hardware failure in a roll rate gyro and not related to the simultaneous engagement. The objective of demonstrating the ability to simultaneously engage targets with both PAC-3 and PAC-2 missile was met.[80]

The Storm II is a tactical ballistic missile target typically used for test and evaluation of BMDO interceptor systems. The Storm II target flown was a single stage configuration including an SR-19 booster and a Maneuvering Tactical Target Vehicle (MTTV) reentry vehicle. The MTTV, a modified Pershing II reentry vehicle, includes the Guidance and Control (G&C), Payload, and Radar sections. The MTTV Radar and G&C sections were modified to emulate the radar cross section signature characteristics of the defined threat for this mission. The Storm II target was flown from Launch Complex 96 at Fort Wingate, N.M., on a 141 degree (northeast to southeast) flight azimuth to White Sands Missile Range to support an endoatmospheric intercept of the separated MTTV reentry vehicle by the PAC-3 system. The trajectory reached an apogee altitude of 104.7 kilometers and covered a ground range of 347 kilometers. The time of flight was 330 seconds. During the Boost phase, the SR-19 Thrust Vector Control nozzle provided the pitch and yaw control. The Pershing II Vane Control System was used to provide target roll control from launch plus 18 seconds through plus 50 seconds when the SR-19 Hot Gas Roll Control System was utilized. The SR-19 burned out at approximately launch plus 65 seconds followed by a successful separation of the MTTV reentry vehicle, second object deployment, and subsequent presentation at the altitude of interest, within the specified parameters. The MTTV reentry vehicle carried an instrumented submunition payload for this flight. [204]

  • 2001-03-31 DT-8 , Successful

The PAC-3 Missile Developmental Test 8 (DT-8) was the first multiple simultaneous engagement of multiple TBM targets in the test program. Two PAC-3 Missiles engaged a Hera Modified Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle equipped with a simulated unitary warhead. A PAC-2 missile simultaneously engaged a Patriot-As-A-Target (PAAT). The PAC-3 Missile engagement was the first "Tactical Ripple Mode(Ripple: Multiservice tactical brevity code, two or more munitions released or fired in close succession)" launch, where two PAC-3 Missiles were launched at a single TBM target. Both PAC-3 Missiles were fired from the same Patriot launcher, with several seconds separating the launches. The first PAC-3 Missile successfully engaged and killed the target. The second PAC-3 Missile then performed its tactical self-destruct sequence. [226]

The PAC-3 DT-8 flight test was performed in March 2001. In DT-8, two PAC-3 missiles were ripple fired to engage one TBM target while one PAC-2 missile engaged a PATRIOT missile emulating a short-range threat TBM. Both intercepts were successful. The second PAC-3 missile that was ripple fired did not detect and track any debris from the intercept and therefore self-destructed. [227]

  • 2001-07-09 DT/OT-9, Partial Successful

The first objective was to track and radar lock tactical ballistic missile (TBM) and aircraft targets in the presence of radar jamming. The success of today's mission proved the PAC-3 Missile's ability to engage targets in an electronic countermeasure environment, a requirement of the PAC-3 Missile test program. A second developmental test milestone was achieved when the PAC-3 Missile intercepted and destroyed an aircraft target, a remotely piloted F-4 with an on-board radar-jamming device. With the intercept of the aircraft target, the PAC-3 Missile has now demonstrated its ability to defeat the entire spectrum of threats to the Patriot Air Defense System: tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and aircraft targets. Being able to defeat these three types of threat targets is another operational requirement of the PAC-3 Missile. The mission at White Sands involved two PAC-3 Missiles and two targets. The first PAC-3 Missile successfully intercepted and totally destroyed the F-4 target aircraft. The second PAC-3 Missile radar-locked the Hera TBM, a target the PAC-3 Missile has intercepted and destroyed multiple times in past missions, but did not achieve intercept. Analysis will be conducted over the next few days so corrective action can be taken. PAC-3 is one of the world's most sophisticated technologies. The PAC-3 Missile boasts 11 successes out of 12 flights over the past three years, with eight intercepts in nine attempts, an overall 92 percent success rate for the flight test program. The flight was the first combined Developmental Test/Operational Test (DT/OT) of the PAC-3 flight test program. Patriot soldiers from the 2nd of the 43rd Air Defense Battalion, Fort Bliss, Texas, participated in launch operations. [228]

The PAC-3 DT/OT-9 flight test was performed in July 2001. In DT/OT-9, one PAC-3 missile destroyed a jamming full-scale fixed-wing target while another PAC-3 missile failed to intercept a TBM target. An electrical anomaly in the missile's communications bus disrupted communications between missile subsystems and prevented homing in on the target for an intercept. This was the first miss for the PAC-3 missile. The root cause of the failure has not been specifically identified, but the symptoms of the failure are known and have been replicated in the software lab. Software modifications have been implemented to reduce the likelihood of this error. The PAC-3 missile that engaged the TBM had a new conductive topcoat, which was developed to increase the radio frequency signal strength received by the missile during flight. The uplink signal power was significantly improved compared to previous flight tests. Another first for the PAC-3 flight test program was that tactical unit soldier crews operated two of the three fire units during DT/OT-9. [227]

  • 2001-10-19 DT/OT-10, Successful

The Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile program completed Developmental Testing today by intercepting and destroying an advanced cruise missile target at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The target BQM-74 cruise missile was flying at a very low altitude in a cluttered background. Patriot soldiers from the Second Battalion of the 43rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Ft. Bliss, Texas, participated in the launch operations once again. The PAC-3 program now moves into the Operational Testing phase. The PAC-3 Missile is in low-rate production. Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, Dallas, Texas, is the prime contractor responsible for the PAC-3 Missile segment upgrade to the Patriot air defense system, which consists of the PAC-3 Missile, the missile canisters, the Fire Solution Computer and the Enhanced Launcher Electronics System. [229]

The last PAC-3 developmental flight-test, DT/OT-10, was performed in October 2001. In DT/OT-10, a PAC-3 missile intercepted a cruise missile target at the same time that a PAC-2 missile engaged a fixed-wing drone. Both intercepts were successful. [227]

  • 2002-02-16 OT-3, PAC-3 Failed

The Missile Defense Agency and the U.S. Army conducted an operational test of the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) system at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., today. A PAC-2 missile successfully intercepted and destroyed a QF-4 full-scale drone aircraft. However a second PAC-2 missile and a PAC-3 missile missed their assigned sub-scale targets. The causes of the two intercept failures are currently under investigation. The test was conducted as a simultaneous engagement in which one PAC-3 missile was to engage and intercept a cruise missile target, while two PAC-2 missiles were to engage and intercept a full-scale aircraft emitting radar-jamming signals and a sub-scale aircraft. The mission was designed to replicate as closely as possible an actual battlefield scenario, with three targets and three missiles in the air at one time. Patriot's sophisticated system logic selects the most efficient missile for each engagement. In this case a combination of Raytheon's PAC-2 and Lockheed Martin's PAC-3 missiles were used. The Army's objective mix of missiles will be comprised of both PAC-3 and an upgraded PAC-2 missile, called GEM+, which is currently in production. In addition to the target intercepts, test objectives included demonstrating successful operation and interaction of all system elements, including radar, command and control equipment and target identification systems. Soldiers of the 2nd of the 43rd Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, Texas, demonstrated their ability to conduct a tactical firing mission during this test. This completes the first of four operational flight tests planned during Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOTE) for the PAC-3 system. IOTE is scheduled to conclude in May 2002. [230]

Prior to today's test, the system has completed one operational flight test, OT-3, conducted Feb. 16, 2002. This test involved one PAC-3 missile fired against a subscale drone configured as a cruise missile and two PAC-2 missiles, one fired against a full-scale QF-4 Phantom jet drone and the other against a subscale drone aircraft. One PAC-2 missile intercepted and destroyed the full-scale drone, while the other two missiles missed their targets. The PAC-3 missile engaged but failed to intercept its intended target due to an inaccurate cue from the missile's ground system computer. This anomaly is under investigation. [231]

  • 2002-03-21 OT-1, ripple, 1st successful intercept, 2nd failed launch

The test was a tactical simultaneous engagement using PAC-3 missiles against a Hera ballistic missile target and a tactical shoot-look-shoot engagement using PAC-2 missiles against an MQM-107 subscale drone aircraft. The Hera target was engaged and destroyed by a PAC-3 missile and a PAC-2 engaged and destroyed the subscale drone target. This test tactically represented an aircraft raid during an engagement of a TBM where the TBM is the primary target. Patriot's sophisticated system logic selects the most efficient missile for each engagement. In this case a combination of Raytheon's PAC-2 and Lockheed Martin's PAC-3 missiles were used. The Army's objective mix of missiles was comprised of both PAC-3 and PAC-2 missiles. This was the second of four operational flight tests planned during Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOTE) for the PAC-3 system. IOTE is scheduled to conclude in May 2002. Simulating real world missile threats, Hera is a theater ballistic missile target typically used for test and evaluation of Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) Element interceptor systems. The target flown for this test was the Block IIB non-separating (unitary) configuration with a Modified Ballistic Reentry Vehicle 3 (MBRV-3) front end carrying a ballast payload. It was launched from Launch Complex 96 at Fort Wingate, N.M. and flew a northwest to southeast trajectory to White Sands Missile Range reaching an altitude of 114 kilometers and flying 318 kilometers down range in 361 seconds. [231]

The PAC-3 engagement was intended as a tactical ripple engagement using two PAC-3 missiles, but the second PAC-3 missile did not launch when the PAC-3 launcher lost power during launch sequence. The cause of the generator power loss is under investigation. [232]

  • 2002-04-25 OT/DT-4, not successful

The test, designated OT/DT-4, was a tactical multiple simultaneous engagement using one PAC-3 missile against a Storm II ballistic missile target and a second PAC-3 against a PATRIOT-as-a-Target (PAAT) tactical ballistic missile target. Objectives of this test included demonstrating the system's capability to properly classify and simultaneously engage and destroy two attacking tactical ballistic missiles. The test resulted in the intercept of the PAAT target. The first PAC-3 missile failed to launch and the missile system launched the second missile. A final determination of the cause of the first missile's launch failure will be made when the test data is reviewed. This was the third of four operational flight tests planned during Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOTE) for the PAC-3 system. IOTE is scheduled to conclude in May 2002. [232]

On the third operational test, in April, one PAC-3 failed to launch against a Storm II TBM target while the second hit a Patriot missile acting as a target, but failed to destroy the warhead. Preliminary analysis indicates the missile seeker experienced a reset during transition to internal power and was not ready to fire when the command came. [233]

  • 2002-05-30 OT-2, ripple, 1st successful intercept, 2nd failed launch

The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) and the Army conducted an operational test of the PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) system at the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands on Thursday, May 30 (May 29 in the continental U.S.). Preliminary information indicates that a PAC-3 successfully intercepted the threat-representative ballistic missile target. The test, designated OT-2, was designed to employ the tactical firing doctrine of ripple-firing two PAC-3 missiles against a single two-stage ballistic missile threat (Boosted SR-19 SR-19). The target was made from modified Minuteman motors with a separating reentry vehicle. This test was planned to demonstrate the system's ability to properly classify the high-velocity, low-radar-signature target as a tactical ballistic missile (TBM), discriminate between the reentry vehicle and debris, and to destroy the target. While the PAC-3 intercepted the target, not all test objectives were met. The second PAC-3 missile failed to launch. Analysis of why the second missile failed to launch is ongoing. This was the fourth operational flight test planned during Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOTE) for the PAC-3 system. IOTE is currently scheduled to conclude at the end of this month. [234]

  • 2003-03-20 to 2003-05-01 Operation Iraqi Freedom

Nine Iraqi ballistic missiles were targeted by Patriot. Another six were launched but not targeted by Patriot because they were projected to land in areas that would not cause harm. The missiles that Iraq fired in 2003 were slower flying and of shorter range than those fired in 1991. The Defense Department concluded that the Patriot system successfully intercepted all nine missiles it targeted. Seven of the intercepts, however, were made with the older Patriot PAC-2 system (which still used a proximity warhead to destroy its target), while the remaining two were intercepted by the newer PAC-3. One Iraqi cruise missile reportedly eluded the Patriot radar and hit a sea wall in Kuwait City. And the Patriot system was also involved in three friendly fire incidents that resulted in the loss of a U.S. and British aircraft. In terms of actual wartime use, the Patriot PAC-3 was used in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) in 2003, but its role was very limited (four missiles fired in two successful engagements) and thus, while suggestive of significant promise, its operational effectiveness remains uncertain based on limited empirical data. [44]

The Ababil 100 was assessed as having 180-kilometer range with a 170-kilogram high-explosive warhead or a 119-kilogram chemical warhead. The Al Samoud was assessed as having a 170-kilogram high-explosive or chemical warhead. These shorter-range missiles presented a different kind of challenge because of their shorter flight times. Response windows for Patriot during OIF were very narrow, generally ranging from 30 seconds to 90 seconds. In contrast, during DESERT STORM the longer-range SCUD-C allowed response times of about 4.5 minutes. On March 20, the Iraqis fired an Ababil 100 at an area used by helicopters assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. The 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade successfully intercepted this missile using PAC-2 and guidance enhanced missiles (GEM). Had it not been intercepted, this Ababil 100 would have reached its intended target area. Shortly thereafter, the brigade intercepted a second Ababil 100 using PAC-3 missiles, the first combat kill for PAC-3, a hit-to-kill missile. As coalition forces advanced into Iraq, Patriot batteries deployed forward to provide continuous coverage. On April 1, Iraqi forces fired an Al Samoud missile at a logistics support area (LSA Bushmaster). 2-1 Air Defense Artillery intercepted the Al Samoud with two PAC-3 missiles. On April 3, Iraqi forces fired three Free Rocket Over Ground (FROG)-7s from Al Hillah. The FROG-7 is an unguided rocket with an approximately 68-kilometer range, although this can be extended with modifications, and a 200- to 457-kilogram warhead. These were outside Patriot coverage but caused no damage on impact. There were three incidents of fratricide related to air defense during OIF: a Patriot engaging a UK GR4 Tornado aircraft; a U.S. Air Force F-16CJ engaging a Patriot radar; and a Patriot engaging a U.S. Navy F/A-18 aircraft. During the night of March 22, a U.S. Patriot battery equipped with PAC-2 missiles destroyed a UK GR4 Tornado aircraft. On March 24, an F-16CJ aircraft fired an AGM-88 high-speed anti-radiation missile at a Patriot PAC-3 battery deployed about 30 miles south of An Najaf. On April 2, a Patriot battery equipped with PAC-3 missiles engaged a U.S. Navy F/A-18 aircraft while deployed near Karbala. [235]

  • 2004-03-04 ATM 2-1, successful

The Army conducted PAC-3 flight test ATM 2-1 at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, on March 4, 2004. The PAC-3 system fired two PAC-3 missiles at a PATRIOT as a Target (PAAT) missile, emulating a short-range ballistic missile. The first PAC-3 killed the target, satisfying a flight test objective from the IOT&E (Flight Test OT/DT-4b). The second PAC-3 self-destructed as designed. [127]

In the early morning test, two PAC-3 Missiles were "ripple-fired" at an incoming TBM that was simulating the flight characteristics of a Scud-type missile. The target for the mission was a Patriot-As-A-Target (PAAT), a Patriot legacy missile modified to represent a short-range TBM. Other test objectives of the mission included demonstrating the PAC-3 Missile Segment software and ground system improvements, demonstrating system capability to intercept and kill a short-range, full-body TBM target, and demonstrating and validating successful operation of the PAC-3 Missile seeker with a domestic source Traveling Wave Tube, the Ka-band radar seeker's high power amplifier. Preliminary data indicate that all objectives were achieved. [236]

  • 2004-09-02 DT/OT-11, successful

The Army conducted PAC-3 flight test DT/OT-11 at White Sands Missile Range on September 2, 2004. DT/OT-11 was the first flight test to use PAC-3 missiles that incorporate cost reduction initiative changes to reduce missile cost while maintaining performance. Using a shoot-shoot tactical firing doctrine, the Army fired two PAC-3 missiles at a Modified PAAT (MPAAT) target missile. The first PAC-3 missile successfully killed the modified MPAAT. The second PAC-3 self-destructed as designed. Near simultaneously, using shoot-look-shoot tactical firing doctrine, the Army fired one PAC-3 missile at a cruise missile flying the same trajectory as the target in the failed OT-3b flight test during IOT&E. The PAC-3 successfully killed the cruise missile. [127]

In the dual engagement test, two PAC-3 Missiles were "ripple-fired" at an incoming Patriot-As-A-Target (PAAT) TBM, a legacy Patriot missile modified to represent a short-range TBM. In a second simultaneous engagement, a single PAC-3 Missile was fired at a low-flying MQM-107D cruise missile target. Preliminary data indicates both the TBM target and cruise missile target were destroyed. All test objectives were met. Test objectives included demonstrating the system's ability to detect, track and engage a TBM and cruise missile simultaneously, and validating the performance of several components of the PAC-3 Missile that were part of on-going cost reduction initiatives. These include an Advanced Master Frequency Generator (AMFG), Multi-Band Radio Frequency Data Link (MRFDL) and a Simplified Inertial Measurement Unit (SIMU). [237]

Objectives of this mission included demonstrating the performance of a PAC-3 missile with hardware changes that improve producibility and reduce missile cost. The test also demonstrated the system's capability to detect, track, engage and intercept a short-range tactical ballistic missile target and a low-altitude cruise missile target. The targets for the mission were a Patriot-as-a-Target (PAAT), a Patriot legacy missile modified to represent a short-range ballistic missile (SRBM); and an MQM-107 subscale drone aircraft, representing a cruise missile. The PAC-3 system successfully completed operational testing and began fielding in 2002. It was first used in combat during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. [238]

  • 2004-11-18 DT/OT-12, successful

Flight Test 12, a combined developmental/operational event, was conducted on November 18, 2004, at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico (WSMR). Using tactical firing doctrine, the Army fired four PAC-3 missiles simultaneously engaging two TBM targets. In each engagement, the first PAC-3 missile intercepted the target. [239]

Lockheed Martin's Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile successfully intercepted two missile targets today during Developmental Test/Operational Test-12 (DT/OT- 12), the most complex flight test scenario to date for PAC-3. During the initial phase of the test, conducted at White Sands Missile Range, NM, six missiles were in the air simultaneously. In DT/OT-12, a total of four PAC-3 Missiles were ripple-fired against two separate targets: a Patriot-As-A-Target (PAAT) modified to represent a short-range Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) and a medium velocity Storm Maneuvering Tactical Target Vehicle. The mission sequence was a two missile ripple-fire against the modified PAAT, closely followed by a two missile ripple-fire against the Storm target. Once the targets were intercepted and destroyed, the two remaining PAC-3s executed a preplanned self-destruct sequence. Test objectives included demonstrating the system's capability to detect, track, engage and intercept two simultaneously arriving, threat representative TBM targets, and to validate the performance of several components of the PAC-3 Missile that were part of on-going cost reduction initiatives. Preliminary data indicates that all test objectives were achieved. [240]

Objectives of this mission included demonstrating the performance of a PAC-3 missile with hardware changes to improve production capability and reduce missile cost. The test also demonstrated the system’s capability to detect, track, engage and intercept two simultaneously-arriving ballistic missile targets. The targets for the mission were a modified Patriot-as-a-Target (PAAT), a Patriot legacy missile modified to represent a short-range ballistic missile (SRBM); and a STORM maneuvering tactical target vehicle. Two PAC-3 missiles were “ripple-fired” at each target, according to tactical doctrine, and in each instance the second missile automatically self-destructed. [241]

  • 2005-09-08 Task 2-2, successful

Flight Test 2-2 was conducted on September 8, 2005, at WSMR. Using tactical firing doctrine, the Army fired two PAC-3 missiles to engage an aerodynamic TBM target. The first PAC-3 missile intercepted the target. The second PAC-3 missile automatically self-destructed when it was no longer needed for an intercept. [239]

During the flight test, designated Task 2-2, two PAC-3 Missiles were "ripple-fired" at an incoming Patriot-As-A-Target TBM, a legacy Patriot missile modified to represent a short-range TBM. Preliminary data indicates the TBM was destroyed and all test objectives were achieved. [242]

Objectives of this mission included demonstrating the performance of PAC-3 missile software changes and associated ground system software improvements. The test demonstrated the system's capability to detect, track, engage and intercept the target missile, Patriot-as-a-Target (PAAT), a Patriot legacy missile modified to represent a short-range aerodynamic ballistic missile target. [243]

  • 2005-11-11 Task 2-3, Failed

Flight Test 2-3 was conducted on November 11, 2005, at WSMR. Test objectives of this mission included demonstrating the performance of PAC-3 missile software changes and associated ground system software improvements to detect, track, engage, and intercept a short-range aerodynamic target with two PAC-3 missiles. The Fire Unit detected, tracked, and engaged the target with the two PAC-3 missiles, but fired a third missile after receiving a false launch failure indication. All three missiles, each launched from separate launching stations, failed to intercept the target. The Army is currently analyzing the flight test data to determine the root cause of the failures. [239]

November 11, 2005. PATRIOT fired three PAC-3 CRI missiles at a short-range aerodynamic ballistic missile. None of the missiles intercepted the target. [244]

  • 2006-08-31 PDB-6 test P6-4, successful

Lockheed Martin's Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile successfully intercepted and destroyed an incoming Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) target yesterday(2006-08-31) during a flight test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. This was the 19th successful flight test out of 22 conducted to date. During the flight test, two PAC-3 Missiles were "ripple-fired" at an incoming Patriot-As-A-Target, a legacy Patriot missile modified to represent a TBM. Preliminary data indicates the target was destroyed and all test objectives were achieved. Objectives of the test included demonstrating software improvements in both the PAC-3 Missile segment and software enhancements of the associated ground system. Additionally, the test demonstrated the systems' capability to detect, track, engage and intercept a threat-representative short range TBM target. This flight test repeats the November 2005 mission in order to address remaining test objectives that were not fully met during that test. [245]

  • 2006-10-23 PDB-6 LUT flight test P6L-3, successful

The Army fired a salvo of two Patriot PAC-3 CRI missiles at a short-range aerodynamic ballistic missile target during the PDB-6 LUT flight test P6L-3 in October 2006. The first CRI intercepted and killed the target at the expected ground range and altitude. The second CRI missile self-destructed as planned. [246]

  • 2007-07-19 Flight Test 14-1, successful

Lockheed Martin successfully conducted a PAC-3 Missile flight test yesterday at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The test was an engagement against a low-flying, air-breathing target, which was intercepted and destroyed by a PAC-3 Missile. The flight test was conducted by PATRIOT soldiers from the 5th Battalion of the 52nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment (ADA) Regiment, 11th ADA Brigade at Fort Bliss. The test successfully demonstrated the systems capability to detect, track, engage and destroy an air-breathing target. The test demonstrated improvements to PAC-3 hardware and software in a realistic battlefield environment. [247]

Patriot fired a PAC-3 CRI missile at a subscale aircraft target equipped with electronic countermeasures during Flight Test 14-1 in July 2007. The CRI intercepted and killed the target. [246]

  • 2008-09-17 Japan, successful

Lockheed Martin and Airmen of the Japanese Self Defense Force successfully supported the first international PAC-3 Missile flight test yesterday at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The test was an engagement against a tactical ballistic missile (TBM) target, which was intercepted and destroyed by a PAC-3 Missile delivered to the Japan Self Defense Force. The flight test was conducted by Patriot Japan Air Self Defense Force. The test demonstrated the Patriot Configuration-3 upgrades to Japanese Patriot ground system, and the addition of the PAC-3 Missile Segment to detect, track, engage and destroy a TBM target in a realistic battlefield environment. [248]

A Japanese Air Self-Defense Force Patriot fire unit successfully launched two PAC-3 missiles in a ripple fire from a single launching station and intercepted a Patriot-As-A-Target (PAAT) with the first interceptor. The second interceptor had an in-flight failure. [249]

  • 2008-10-16 Germany, successful

Airmen of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe), supported by Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Army Lower Tier Project Office, successfully conducted the second international PAC-3 Missile flight test today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The test successfully fired a PAC-3 Missile from a German PATRIOT fire unit with Configuration-3 upgrades. The test demonstrated the Patriot Configuration-3 upgrades to the German PATRIOT ground system, which includes the PAC-3 Missile Segment launcher electronics and the Fire Solution Computer that are necessary to launch PAC-3 Missiles. This was the first time a German PATRIOT launcher had executed a PAC-3 Missile launch. [250]

  • 2009-04 PDB-6.5, successful

During PDB-6.5 flight test P6.5-4 at WSMR in April 2009, Patriot fired two PAC-3 missiles and successfully intercepted a short-range ballistic missile target with the first interceptor. The Army collected all required data during flight tests P6.5-4 and P6.5-1 and the system met the objectives in these tests. [251]

  • 2009-09-16 Japan, successful

In September, Airmen of the Japanese Self Defense Force and Lockheed Martin successfully conducted the second Japanese PAC-3 Missile flight test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The flight test demonstrated the Patriot Configuration-3 upgrades to the Japanese Patriot ground system, and the addition of the PAC-3 Missile Segment to detect, track, engage and destroy a tactical ballistic missile target in a realistic battlefield environment. [138] [252]

  • 2009-12-11 PC-08, successful

On December 11, Lockheed Martin successfully conducted the PAC-3 Missile PC-08 Flight Test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. Preliminary test data indicates mission objectives were successfully achieved. The test demonstrated system capability using Post Deployment Build-6.5 (PDB-6.5) software to search, detect, track, engage and kill an aerodynamic Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) using a ripple method of fire engagement. [252]

During production configuration flight test PC-08 at WSMR in December 2009, Patriot fired two PAC-3 CRI missiles and intercepted a short-range ballistic missile target with the first interceptor. During flight test PC-08, both PAC-3 CRI missiles performed in good agreement with preflight predictions. The first CRI missile intercepted and destroyed the target. [253]

  • 2011-11-01 P7-4, successful

DALLAS, Nov. 1, 2011 Lockheed Martin's PAC-3 Missile successfully detected, tracked and intercepted an aerodynamic tactical ballistic missile target today in a flight test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The test included a ripple fire engagement, utilizing a PAC-3 Cost Reduction Initiative (CRI) Missile as the first interceptor and a PAC-3 Baseline Missile as the second interceptor. The CRI Missile includes block upgrades to the PAC-3 Baseline Missile for performance improvement. [254]

During the first PDB-7 flight test (P7-4) at WSMR in November 2011, Patriot fired two PAC-3 missiles at a short-range ballistic missile target. The first PAC-3 intercepted the target. Data analysis is ongoing. [255]

During PDB-7 flight test P7-4 in November 2011, Patriot engaged a short-range ballistic missile target with a ripple launch of two PAC-3 CRI missiles. The first PAC-3 missile intercepted the target. [256]

  • 2012-03 FMS P-1/P-2, successful

During the FMS(Foreign Military Sales) P-1/P-2 missile flight test at WSMR in March 2012, Patriot engaged a short-range ballistic missile target with a ripple launch of two PAC-3 missiles. The first PAC-3 missile intercepted the target. [256]

  • 2012-04-25 IFC-1, successful

DALLAS, April 26, 2012 -- Lockheed Martin's PAC-3 Missile successfully intercepted and destroyed a cruise missile target yesterday at the Utah Test and Training Range in an unprecedented interoperability demonstration utilizing the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor (JLENS) and the PATRIOT system. The test demonstrated the PAC-3 Missile Segment's unique ability to detect, track, engage and destroy a cruise missile target at extended range in an integrated air and missile defense architecture that joins netted sensors and missile defense systems to provide greater capability for the warfighter. [257]

During the first Integrated Fire Control flight test (IFC-1) at the Utah Test and Training Range in April 2012, Patriot fired a PAC-3 CRI missile at a cruise missile target using a Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System cue. The PAC-3 missile intercepted the target. During IFC-1, Patriot demonstrated the capability to use the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System cuing data to engage a cruise missile with a PAC-3 missile. The PAC-3 missile intercepted the target. [256]

  • 2012-08-29 P7L-1/2/3, successful

DALLAS, Aug. 29, 2012 Lockheed Martin's PAC-3 Missile successfully destroyed a tactical ballistic missile (TBM) target today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., in an Operational Test conducted by the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command. The test involved three incoming targets; two Patriot-As-A-Target TBMs and one MQM-107 drone. A ripple launch of two PAC-3 Missiles successfully(not really) engaged the second TBM. Preliminary data indicate all test objectives were achieved. [258]

The Army conducted the PDB-7 LUT operational missile flight test (P7L-1/2/3) at WSMR in August 2012. During this test, Patriot engaged and intercepted one tactical ballistic missile target with a ripple launch (firing of missiles in quick succession) of GEM-T/PAC-3 CRI missiles, and engaged a second tactical ballistic missile target with a ripple launch of two PAC-3 missiles. This second tactical ballistic missile target self-destructed before the interceptors reached it; therefore, the endgame segment of the second tactical ballistic missile engagement was deemed a "No Test." During the PDB-7 LUT operational missile flight test (P7L-1/2/3), Patriot demonstrated the capability to search, detect, track, engage, and intercept both a tactical ballistic missile target and a cruise missile target with GEM-T missiles. Patriot intercepted the cruise missile target in the debris field caused by the intercept of the first tactical ballistic missile target and the self-destruction of the second tactical ballistic missile target. However, the following problems were observed during this test: Patriot was to have engaged the first tactical ballistic missile target with two GEM-T missiles, but the launcher incorrectly reported a missile count of zero after the first GEM-T missile launched so a PAC-3 missile was launched instead. Patriot engaged the second tactical ballistic missile target with two PAC-3 missiles, but the target broke up before the missiles reached it. The cause of this target failure is under investigation. [256]

  • 2012-09-13 FMS P-3/P-4, successful

PAC-3 Missile successfully detected, tracked and intercepted an aerodynamic tactical ballistic missile (TBM) target in a test today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The test included a ripple fire engagement, utilizing two PAC-3 Missiles against a single target. The first interceptor destroyed the target and the second PAC-3 Missile self destructed as planned. [259]

During the FMS P-3/P-4 missile flight test at WSMR in September 2012, Patriot engaged a short-range ballistic missile target with a ripple launch of two PAC-3 CRI missiles. The first PAC-3 missile intercepted the target. This mission concurrently fulfilled a long standing PAC-3 Engineering Manufacturing and Development phase requirement. [256]

  • 2012-10-24 FTI-01, successful

During Flight Test Integrated-01 (FTI-01) in October 2012 at the Reagan Test Site (on Kwajalein Atoll and Wake Island), Patriot performed a near-simultaneous engagement of a short-range ballistic missile target with two PAC-3 interceptors and a cruise missile target with another PAC-3 interceptor. FTI-01 was the first integrated flight test with multiple firing elements (Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD), Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), and Patriot) engaging multiple ballistic missile and air-breathing targets in a realistic BMDS-level architecture. Patriot successfully intercepted both of its targets. During FTI-01, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill both a tactical ballistic missile target and a cruise missile target with PAC-3 missiles. There was a Patriot radar fault between the cruise missile and ballistic missile engagements, but the system recovered and was able to conduct a nominal engagement. The root cause of the radar fault is under investigation. All PAC-3 missile subsystems performed as expected. The Patriot engagements were conducted in the debris field from the THAAD intercept and Patriot debris mitigation was nominal. Aegis BMD failed to intercept its ballistic missile target during FTI-01. The Missile Defense Agency did not set up the flight test so Patriot could intercept targets that Aegis or THAAD missed, although DOT&E had recommended this be a feature of BMDS flight testing. [256]

During FTI-01, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill both a tactical ballistic missile target and a cruise missile target with PAC-3 missiles. The first PAC-3 missile in the ripple method of fire intercepted the ballistic missile target at the planned altitude and range. The second PAC-3 missile performed nominally throughout its flight and properly self-destructed after the first PAC-3 missile intercepted the target. The third PAC-3 missile intercepted the cruise missile target at the planned altitude and range. [260]

On October 24, 2012, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) conducted the Flight Test Integrated (FTI)-01 mission at Kwajelein Missile Range, which demonstrated simultaneous engagements of ballistic missile and cruise missile targets. PATRIOT soldiers from the 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command engaged a low-flying MQM-107 (Drone) and a Short Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM). AEGIS engaged a BQM-74 (Drone) and a SRBM, and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system engaged a Medium Range Ballistic Missile, all simultaneously. The PATRIOT system successfully killed both the MQM-107 and SRBM targets while receiving command net data from the other systems. The PATRIOT system was able to process the incoming data from the command net and the debris created from the other engagements without impacting PATRIOT system performance. [261]

  • 2012-12-07 FSP, successful

On December 7, 2012, the U.S. Army successfully conducted two independent PAC-3 Field Surveillance Program (FSP) missile flight tests at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico. In support of both missions, the PATRIOT ground support equipment launched one PAC-3 baseline missile which intercepted a threat representative Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) (PATRIOT-As-A-Target (PAAT)). The engaging Fire Unit used tactical Post Deployment Build-7 software to engage and kill each surrogate TBM target. Final data analysis indicates that PAC-3 FSP missile flight test objectives were successfully achieved in both missions. [261]

  • 2013-04-12 Zombie target flight test, successful

Lockheed Martin's PAC-3 Missile successfully detected, tracked and intercepted a tactical ballistic missile (TBM) in a Lower Tier Project Office flight test today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. Two PAC-3 Missiles were ripple-fired in the test per current doctrine. The first interceptor destroyed the target and the second PAC-3 Missile self-destructed as planned. Mission objectives were focused on reducing risk for a flight test of the PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) scheduled later this year. [262]

During the demonstration flight of the Zombie tactical ballistic missile target in April 2013 at WSMR, Patriot intercepted the short-range ballistic missile target with two PAC-3 interceptors. During the Zombie (tactical ballistic missile target) flight test, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill a tactical ballistic missile target with PAC-3 missiles. The first PAC-3 missile intercepted the Zombie target at the planned altitude and range, although a missile autopilot error led to the guidance accuracy not being as good as the missile system specification requires. The second PAC-3 missile failed to launch because a launcher problem led to external power not being provided to the missile. A backup PAC-3 missile launched and intercepted debris from the first PAC-3 intercept. Patriot also demonstrated the capability to detect, track, and perform a simulated PAC-3 MSE engagement on a low-altitude cruise missile surrogate target. [260]

On April 13, 2013, the U.S. Army Lower Tier Project Office (LTPO) conducted a successful missile flight test to intercept a Zombie test missile at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico. This was the first flight test with the Zombie target, designed to substantially reduce the cost of Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) targets and provide threat representative characteristics. The intercept was conducted utilizing Patriot ground support equipment with Post-Deployment Build-7 (PDB-7) tactical software. Two PAC-3 missiles were ripple fired to engage the Zombie target. In addition to demonstrating Zombie performance, this test demonstrated the Patriot system capability to detect, track, and perform a simulated PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement engagement on a low-altitude cruise missile surrogate target, and provided sufficient data required in support of PAC-3 missile reliability scoring. All mission objectives were successfully achieved. [21]

  • 2013-08-15 FMS P-5/P-6, successful

DALLAS, Aug. 15, 2013. Lockheed Martin conducted a successful PAC-3 Missile flight test today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., in which PAC-3 successfully detected, tracked and intercepted an aerodynamic, threat-representative tactical ballistic missile target. The ripple fire engagement of two PAC-3 Missiles resulted in the first interceptor destroying the target. The second PAC-3 Missile was self-destructed on command as planned. [263]

On August 15, 2013, the LTPO successfully conducted an FMS Patriot Program P5/P6 Missile Flight Test (MFT). The P5/P6 MFT utilized U.S. Government Patriot production ground support equipment with PDB-7 software to ripple-fire two PAC-3 missiles. The Patriot Fire Unit engaged a Patriot-As-A-Target (PAAT) TBM target threatening a defended asset. All mission objectives were successfully achieved. [21]

  • 2013-11-20 successful

On November 20, 2013, the LTPO successfully conducted a PAAT TBM test at WSMR, New Mexico. The two intercepts were conducted utilizing Patriot ground support equipment with PDB-7 tactical software. One tactical PAC-3 missile was fired at each TBM target threatening a defended asset on WSMR. This test demonstrated Patriot system capability to search, detect, track, classify, engage, and intercept a TBM target with a PAC-3 interceptor, as well as provided sufficient data required in support of PAC-3 missile reliability scoring for the field surveillance program. All mission objectives were successfully achieved. [21]

  • 2015-11-12 AIAMD Flight Test-1, successful

On Thursday, Nov. 12, a PAC-3 also intercepted an airborne target as part of the U.S. Army's Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) fight test at White Sands. [264]

In AIAMD Flight Test-1 (FT-1) in November 2015, Patriot engaged a cruise missile target with a PAC-3 interceptor. During AIAMD FT-1, Patriot demonstrated the capability to engage, intercept, and kill a low-altitude cruise missile target with a PAC-3 interceptor based on remote Sentinel radar data sent through an AIAMD Battle Command System Engagement Operations Center. [115]

  • 2015-11-19 Flight Test P8-2, successful

A Lockheed Martin PAC-3 Missile successfully intercepted an incoming target on Thursday, Nov. 19, as part of a U.S. Army-led missile defense flight test at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. The PAC-3 interceptor successfully detected, tracked and intercepted a Patriot-as-a-Target (PAAT), which is a legacy Patriot missile modified to represent a tactical ballistic missile common in today's operational environment. [264]

In Flight Test P8-2 in November 2015, Patriot conducted a mixed ripple engagement of an SRBM target with PAC-3 CRI and PAC-2 GEM-T interceptors and then engaged a second SRBM target with two PAC-2 GEM-T interceptors. During Flight Test P8-2, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill an SRBM target with a mixed ripple method of fire using PAC-3 CRI and PAC-2 GEM-T interceptors and a second SRBM target with two PAC-2 GEM-T interceptors. In both instances, the first interceptor in the ripple intercepted and killed the target at the planned altitude, and performance of the ground system and interceptor was nominal. [115]

On November 19, 2015, the Lower Tier Project Office successfully completed the first of four developmental flight tests for Post Deployment Build (PDB)-8 software using PAC-3 and Guidance Enhanced Missiles. On December 10, 2015, another successful flight test was conducted to demonstrate the capability of the Patriot system, using PDB-8 to detect, track, engage and kill a threat representative Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) with PAC-3 MSE missiles. The test demonstrated proper Patriot PDB-8 Battalion interaction (across and within the Information and Coordination Central and Firing Units) before, during and after engagement of a TBM. [265]

  • 2016-04-08 AIAMD Flight Test-3, successful

U.S. Army soldiers have executed a successful dual engagement flight test of the Northrop Grumman Corporation developed Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS) to identify, track, engage and defeat ballistic and cruise missile targets. The IBCS utilized sensors and interceptors from different air defense systems connected at the component level to operate on the IBCS integrated fire control network. Using tracking data from Sentinel and Patriot radars, the IBCS provided the command-and-control (C2) for a Patriot Advanced Capability Three (PAC-3) interceptor to destroy a ballistic missile target (PAAT) and a PAC-2 interceptor to destroy a cruise missile target. [266]

In AIAMD FT-3 in April 2016, Patriot engaged an SRBM target with one PAC-3 interceptor and conducted two separate PAC-2 GEM-T engagements against a cruise missile target, with the first engagement resulting in a missed intercept and the second engagement resulting in a successful intercept. During AIAMD FT-3, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill an SRBM target using a PAC-3 interceptor and a cruise missile target with the second of two PAC-2 GEM-T interceptors after the first GEM-T missed. [115]

  • 2016-09-21 successful

Two Lockheed Martin PAC-3 Missiles successfully intercepted two tactical ballistic missile (TBM) targets today as part of a U.S. Army-led missile defense flight test at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. The test demonstrated the hit-to-kill interceptor's unique ability to detect, track and destroy an incoming threat. [267]

PAC-3 MSE导弹飞行试验记录

  • 2007-05 Flight Test 7-1, Control Test, Failed

In May 2007, during the first flight test of the MSE missile (Flight Test 7-1), Patriot fired an MSE control test missile at a simulated target. During Flight Test 7-1, a loss of actuator battery voltage at MSE control test missile launch led to lateral accelerations exceeding design limits. This caused missile structural failure approximately three seconds after launch. [246]

  • 2008-05-21 Flight Test 7-1A, Control Test

The U.S. Army successfully conducted a Controlled Flight Test of the PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) interceptor at White Sands Missile Range, NM, today at 0900 Mountain Daylight Time. Preliminary test data indicates mission objectives were successfully achieved. The test demonstrated hardware, Canister (1-Pack), and PAC-3 MSE missile functionality, interfaces, integration with the PATRIOT System and missile fly-out functions. Test objectives of this mission included: Demonstrating PATRIOT System integration; Demonstrating missile flight functions; Collecting data to evaluate missile aerodynamic, structural, and thermal responses to natural and induced environments. [268]

During the first successful flight test of the MSE missile (Flight Test 7-1A), in May 2008, Patriot fired an MSE control test missile at a simulated aircraft target. During Flight Test 7-1A, all required data were collected and all objectives were met. The MSE interceptor's flight events were generally in good agreement with preflight predictions. The most significant differences were that the missile had a slightly higher velocity than predicted and one attitude control motor did not fire when ordered to do so. Neither issue affected the missile's ability to complete the scripted mission successfully. [249]

  • 2009-03 Flight Test 7-2, intercept attempt, Failed

During the first intercept attempt for the MSE missile (Flight Test 7-2) at WSMR in March 2009, Patriot fired one MSE interceptor at a ballistic missile target, but failed to intercept it. During Flight Test 7-2, the MSE interceptor launched successfully, but the ignition safety device for the solid rocket motor second pulse failed to arm so it did not fire. The Army is investigating the cause of this failure, and plans to conduct a follow-on Flight Test 7-2A in January 2010. Doctrine dictates that Patriot fire two interceptors at ballistic missiles, but the Army had only one interceptor available for the 7-2 flight test. [251]

  • 2010-02-17 Flight Test 7-2A, successful intercept

Lockheed Martin's enhanced version of the combat-proven PAC-3 Missile, the PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE), successfully intercepted a threat representative tactical ballistic missile target yesterday (2010-02-17) at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The PAC-3 MSE Missile was selected as the primary interceptor for the multi-national Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) in September 2006. The MEADS program has completed hardware Critical Design Reviews and is now integrating and testing the radars, launchers, tactical operation centers and reloaders needed for system tests at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., in 2012. Upgrades incorporated into the PAC-3 MSE Missile include: The solid-rocket motor now has a second pulse and is larger in diameter; Aerodynamic surfaces are larger and the span of the aft control; surfaces is greater to accommodate the increased performance envelope; Thermal batteries have been sized consistent with increased performance and longer mission time; The PAC-3 MSE Missile is packaged in a single canister that stacks to provide flexibility for the Patriot or MEADS launcher load-out requirements. [269]

During the second intercept attempt for the MSE missile (Flight Test 7-2A) at WSMR in February 2010, Patriot attempted to fire two MSE interceptors at a ballistic missile target. The second MSE intercepted the target; the first interceptor failed to launch. During flight test 7-2A, Patriot demonstrated the capability to kill a tactical ballistic missile target with an MSE interceptor in the extended MSE battlespace. The in-flight interceptor performance was consistent with preflight predictions and body-to-body impact was achieved, resulting in the destruction of the target. Patriot was to have fired two MSE missiles during this flight test, but the first MSE suffered a seeker reset and failed to launch. The cause of this seeker reset is still under investigation. [253]

  • 2011-03-02 Flight Test 7-3, successful intercept

DALLAS, March 2, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Lockheed Martin's enhanced version of the combat-proven PAC-3 Missile, the PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE), successfully intercepted a threat representative tactical ballistic missile target in the MSE battlespace today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The PAC-3 MSE Missile provides increased performance, greater altitude and range than the PAC-3 Cost Reduction Initiative (CRI) Missile. The PAC-3 MSE Missile variant incorporates threat-driven and technology-enabled hardware and software upgrades to defend against the advancing threat set. The PAC-3 Missile is the only Patriot missile that utilizes hit-to-kill technology to engage incoming targets. [270]

A third MSE missile flight test (Flight Test 7-3) was conducted at WSMR in March 2011. Patriot fired two MSE interceptors at a ballistic missile target. The first MSE intercepted the target and the second intercepted debris from the first intercept. During flight test 7-3, Patriot demonstrated the capability to kill a tactical ballistic missile target with an MSE interceptor in the extended MSE battlespace. The MSE interceptor performance was consistent with preflight predictions and body-to-body impact was achieved, resulting in the destruction of the target. The system met the mission objectives. [255]

  • 2011-11-17 MEADS first flight test, successful(simulated threat)

The Medium Extended Air Defence System (MEADS) successfully completed its first flight test today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) MEADS Certified Missile Round was employed during the test along with the MEADS lightweight launcher and battle manager. The test demonstrated an unprecedented over-the-shoulder launch of the MSE missile against a simulated target attacking from behind. It required a unique sideways maneuver, demonstrating a 360-degree capability. The missile executed a planned self-destruct sequence at the end of the mission after successfully engaging the simulated threat. [271]

During the first MEADS flight test, the Launcher/Missile Characterization Test at WSMR in November 2011, MEADS fired an MSE missile at a simulated target. During the Launcher/Missile Characterization Test, an MSE missile was launched at a 70-degree angle, performed an out-of-plane maneuver, and followed the predicted flight path to the simulated target, which was 120 degrees off the launch axis. All test objectives were met. [256]

  • 2012-11-29 MEADS FT-1, successful

The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) detected, tracked, intercepted and destroyed an air-breathing target in its first-ever intercept flight test today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The test achieved all criteria for success. [272]

During MEADS FT-1 in November 2012 at WSMR, Patriot intercepted a cruise missile target with an MSE interceptor. During MEADS FT-1, MEADS demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill a cruise missile target with an MSE interceptor. The MEADS test configuration consisted of a Battle Management Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Intelligence tactical operations center; a Lightweight Launcher; and a Multifunction Fire Control Radar. This was the first MSE engagement of an air-breathing target. [260]

  • 2012-12-06 Flight Test 7-4, successful

PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) successfully engaged, intercepted and destroyed a tactical ballistic missile (TBM) target today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The first interceptor destroyed the target and the second PAC-3 MSE Missile self-destructed as planned. [273]

During FT-7-4 in December 2012 at WSMR, Patriot intercepted a short-range ballistic missile target with two MSE interceptors. During FT-7-4, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill a tactical ballistic missile target with MSE interceptors in a ripple method of fire. The first MSE intercepted and killed the ballistic missile target at the planned altitude and range. The second MSE performed nominally throughout its flight and properly self-destructed after the first MSE intercepted the target. [260]

  • 2013-06-06 Flight Test 7-5, successful

DALLAS, June 6, 2013 -- Lockheed Martin's PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) Missile successfully engaged, intercepted and destroyed two different threat representative targets during a flight test today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The first target engagement involved two PAC-3 MSE Missiles ripple fired against an advanced Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) target. The first MSE Missile successfully engaged a TBM target, while the second missile self-destructed as planned. A third PAC-3 MSE Missile engaged a BQM-74 cruise missile target. Preliminary data indicates that all test objectives were achieved. [274]

During FT-7-5 in June 2013 at WSMR, Patriot performed a near-simultaneous engagement of a short-range ballistic missile target with two MSE interceptors and a cruise missile target with another MSE interceptor. During FT-7-5, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill both a tactical ballistic missile target and a cruise missile target with MSE interceptors. The first MSE missile in the ripple method of fire intercepted and killed the ballistic missile target at the planned altitude and range within the MSE extended battlespace. The second MSE performed nominally throughout its flight and properly self-destructed after the first MSE intercepted the target. The third MSE intercepted and killed the cruise missile target at the planned altitude and range. [260]

On June 6, 2013, the U.S. Army Lower Tier Project Office successfully conducted the PAC-3 MSE 7-5 Missile Flight Test at WSMR, intercepting a TBM target and an Air Breathing Target with PAC-3 MSE missiles. Patriot ground support equipment (with Post Deployment Build-7 software and Modern Man Stations), operated by soldiers from the 2/43 Air Defense Battalion, ripple-fired two production representative PAC-3 MSE missiles to intercept a threat representative TBM target in the MSE extended battlespace. This was the second flight test with the Zombie target, designed to substantially reduce the cost of TBM threat representative targets. This test also demonstrated the capability of the Patriot system to detect, track, and kill a low altitude cruise missile surrogate target with a PAC-3 MSE missile. Test data indicates that the flight test mission objectives were successfully achieved. This was the final missile flight test required to support the PAC-3 MSE production decision. [275]

  • 2013-11-06 MEADS FT-2, successful

ORLANDO, Fla. and MUNICH and ROME, Nov. 6, 2013 -- The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) intercepted and destroyed two simultaneous targets attacking from opposite directions during a stressing demonstration of its 360-degree air and missile defense (AMD) capabilities at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The flight test achieved all criteria for success. All elements of the MEADS system were tested, including the 360-degree MEADS Surveillance Radar, a networked MEADS battle manager, two lightweight launchers firing PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) Missiles and a 360-degree MEADS Multifunction Fire Control Radar (MFCR). All system elements worked as planned. MEADS is a next-generation, ground-mobile AMD system that incorporates 360-degree radars, netted and distributed battle management, easily transportable launchers and the hit-to-kill PAC-3 MSE Missile. The first target, a QF-4 air-breathing target, approached from the south as a Lance missile, flying a tactical ballistic missile trajectory, attacked from the north. The Surveillance Radar acquired both targets and provided target cues to the MEADS battle manager, which generated cue commands for the MFCR. The MFCR tracked both targets successfully and guided missiles from launchers in the Italian and German configuration to successful intercepts. [276]

During MEADS FT-2 in November 2013 at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, two MSE interceptors engaged a short-range ballistic missile target and a third MSE interceptor engaged a full-scale aircraft target. During MEADS FT-2, MEADS demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill both a tactical ballistic missile target and a full-scale aircraft target with MSE missiles. The first MSE missile in the ripple method of fire intercepted and killed the ballistic missile target at the planned altitude and range. The second MSE missile performed nominally throughout its flight and properly self-destructed after the first MSE intercepted the target. The third MSE missile intercepted and killed the full-scale aircraft target at the planned altitude and range. [277]

The MEADS system successfully executed a dual target intercept mission on November 6, 2013, at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico. The MEADS system concurrently engaged and intercepted the QF-4 and Lance Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) targets using three PAC-3 MSE interceptors. All elements of the MEADS system worked as planned and the program achieved all primary objectives. [275]

  • 2015-12-10 Flight Test P8-4, successful

A Lockheed Martin PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE) missile successfully engaged and intercepted a tactical ballistic missile target(Juno) today at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, as part of a U.S. Army-led missile defense test. Two PAC-3 MSE missiles were launched to defend against the incoming target, with the first interceptor hitting the target, as planned. The PAC-3 MSE Missile is a high velocity interceptor that uses hit-to-kill technology to defend against incoming threats including tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and aircraft. Building on the battle-proven PAC-3 missile, the PAC-3 MSE brings a larger, dual-pulse solid-rocket motor, larger control fins and upgraded support systems. With the enhancements, Lockheed Martin nearly doubled the missile's reach and dramatically improved performance against today's increasingly sophisticated ballistic- and cruise-missile threats. [278]

In Flight Test P8-4 in December 2015, Patriot engaged an SRBM target with two PAC-3 MSE interceptors. During Flight Test P8-4, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill an SRBM target with two PAC-3 MSE interceptors. The first PAC-3 MSE intercepted and killed the target at the planned altitude, and performance of the ground system and interceptor was nominal, although some post-intercept ground system anomalies occurred that did not affect the mission objectives. [115]

On December 10, 2015, another successful flight test was conducted to demonstrate the capability of the Patriot system, using PDB-8 to detect, track, engage and kill a threat representative Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) with PAC-3 MSE missiles. The test demonstrated proper Patriot PDB-8 Battalion interaction (across and within the Information and Coordination Central and Firing Units) before, during and after engagement of a TBM. [265]

  • 2016-03-17 Flight Test P8-3, successful

A Lockheed Martin PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE) Missile successfully detected, tracked and intercepted a tactical ballistic missile (TBM) target today at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, as part of a U.S. Army-led flight test. [279]

In Flight Test P8-3 in March 2016, Patriot conducted a mixed ripple engagement of an SRBM target with PAC-3 MSE and PAC-2 interceptors. During Flight Test P8-3, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill an SRBM target with a mixed ripple method of fire using a PAC-3 MSE and a PAC-2 GEM-T interceptor. The PAC-3 MSE (the first interceptor) intercepted and killed the target at the planned altitude and both ground system and interceptor performance was generally nominal, although a Link-16 network initialization problem prevented the demonstration of Patriot PDB-8 interoperability on Link-16 during this flight test. Other parts of the Patriot PDB-8 DT&E demonstrated Link-16 interoperability. [115]

  • 2016-07-08 Flight Test P8-1, successful

A Lockheed Martin PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) missile successfully intercepted a full-scale air breathing target at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, today, as part of the Post Deployment Build eight (PDB-8) test program. The launch demonstrated the interceptor's ability to detect, track, engage and intercept an aircraft. [280]

In Flight Test P8-1 in July 2016, Patriot engaged a cruise missile target with a PAC-2 GEM-T interceptor and then engaged a maneuvering, full-scale, fixed-wing, air-breathing target with a PAC-3 MSE interceptor. The Army did not conduct this test in accordance with the DOT&E-approved Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), which stated that the fixed-wing aircraft would be employing electronic countermeasures while maneuvering. The Army has deferred testing of this capability to a Patriot PDB-8.1 flight test in 2020. During Flight Test P8-1, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, intercept, and kill a low-radar cross section cruise missile target at low altitude and in a clutter environment with a PAC-2 GEM-T interceptor and, following this, a maneuvering full-scale aircraft target with a PAC-3 MSE interceptor. The interceptors killed both targets at the planned ranges and altitudes, and performance of the ground system and interceptors were nominal for both engagements. Patriot demonstrated PDB-8 interoperability on Link-16 during this flight test. [115]

  • 2017-06-07? Missile Flight Test-A (MFT-A1), successful

A Sabre short-range ballistic missile launches in June 7, 2017, at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., for a test of the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Segment Enhancement, an advanced missile defense system. [215]

MFT-A1 in June 2017 at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico. During this test, Patriot engaged a TBM target with a PAC-3 MSE interceptor and a GEM-T interceptor, and then engaged a cruise missile target with a PAC-3 MSE interceptor. During the MFT-A1 flight test, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, and intercept a TBM target with a mixed ripple engagement using PAC-3 MSE and PAC-2 GEM-T interceptors, and the capability to detect, track, engage, and intercept a cruise missile target with a PAC-3 MSE interceptor. [164]

On June 14, 2017, at the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico, the Lower Tier Project Office (LTPO), in conjunction with the U.S. Army Operational Test Command (OTC), successfully conducted the first of three operational missile flight tests in support of the PAC-3 MSE FRP decision and Post Deployment Build-8 (PDB-8) software Materiel Release (MR). The test demonstrated the capability of the Patriot system, using PDB-8 to detect, track, engage, and kill representative Tactical Ballistic Missiles and Air Breathing Threats. Patriot units engaged targets following operational doctrine with tactical loadouts, which included PAC-3 MSE and PAC-2 Guidance Enhanced Missile-Tactical missiles, as well as collection of data for Reliability and Maintainability assessment of the ground system and missiles. [281]

  • 2017-09-16/17 Missile Flight Test-B (MFT-B), successful

DALLAS, Sept. 21, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- A Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) interceptor successfully intercepted a tactical ballistic missile target on Saturday in the first-ever MSE test from a remote launcher. As part of a U.S. Army-led missile defense flight test at the Reagan Test Site at the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the test demonstrated the expanded defended footprint available by deploying the launcher remotely from the Patriot radar. It also confirmed PAC-3 MSE's unique ability to detect, track and intercept an incoming threat. [282]

MFT-B in September 2017 at the Reagan Test Site, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. During this test, Patriot engaged an MRBM target using a ripple method of fire (discharge of missiles in quick succession) and three PAC-3 MSE interceptors. During the MFT-B flight test, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, and intercept an MRBM target in the PAC-3 MSE extended battlespace. [164]

On September 17, 2017, at the Reagan Test Site, Kwajalein Atoll, the LTPO, OTC, and soldiers of the 3-43 Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Patriot Battalion, successfully conducted the second of three operational missile flight tests supporting the PAC-3 MSE FRP decision and PDB-8 software MR. The test demonstrated PAC-3 MSE extended battlespace engagements, Patriot remote launch, long-range target acquisition, and improved software data processing, all of which are capabilities of the Patriot Configuration 3+ system. [281]

  • 2017-11-16 Missile Flight Test-B (MFT-B), successful

MFT-A2 in November 2017 at WSMR. During this test, Patriot simultaneously engaged and intercepted two TBM targets using two mixed ripples of interceptors (PAC‐3 MSE/PAC-3 CRI and PAC-3 CRI/PAC-2 GEM-T). During the MFT-A2 flight test, Patriot demonstrated the capability to detect, track, engage, and intercept two TBM targets using two ripples of interceptors (PAC-3 MSE/PAC-3 CRI and PAC-3 CRI/PAC-2 GEM-T). The PAC-3 MSE intercepted the Sabre target in its extended battlespace. [164]

The Army conducted the PDB-8 IOT&E MFT-A2 in November 2017 at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), New Mexico. During this test, Patriot conducted near simultaneous engagements and intercepted two CRBM targets using two mixed ripples of interceptors (PAC-3 MSE/PAC-3 Cost Reduction Initiative (CRI) and PAC-3 CRI/PAC-2 Guidance Enhanced Missile-Tactical (GEM-T)). This test was the final event in the PDB-8 IOT&E. [283]

On November 16, 2017, at the WSMR, soldiers of the 3-43 ADA Patriot Battalion successfully conducted the third operational missile flight test by engaging and destroying two threat representative missiles. This flight test was the last of the series of operational missile flight tests supporting the PAC-3 MSE FRP decision and PDB-8 software MR. The test demonstrated PAC-3 MSE high-altitude capabilities and the Patriot system's ability to handle multiple, near-simultaneous engagements and debris mitigation. Data analysis indicated a successful intercept of targets and successful completion of all test objectives. [281]


  • 写了3个月


  • 病句用了很多

  • 真相只有一个


  • PAC-3导弹生产速度

High-rate production would produce one PAC-3 missile per day.(1997年)

  • LTV

也就是现在的Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control,设计了很多导弹。

  • 真讨厌

IOC: Initial Operational Capability,还见过Initial Operating Capability。

ERINT: Extended Range Interceptor;Extended Range Intercept Technology;Extended Range Interceptor Technology都见过。

Initial Flyout;Inertial Flyout。 PAC-3导弹初始段飞行这两种说法都有,也都没毛病。

  • B-Roll

有几个视频片头会看到B ROLL, 以为是拦截滚筒机动(Barrel Roll)的目标, 原来B-Roll是辅助镜头,大概是那些不太主要的机位拍摄的画面。

  • 防空导弹仿真

《Military Handbook. Missile Flight Simulation. Part One Surface-to-Air Missiles》 这本手册虽然比较老,但是防空导弹仿真的一些基本概念、模块等还是挺全的。

  • 失败值得鼓励

PAC-3导弹的飞行试验中还是有很多失败和问题的。 Minuteman洲际弹道导弹家族居然有900多次的发射了。 不是所有的研究都能得到期望的结果, 但是硕博毕不了业肯定是不行的。 周围环境根本不允许失败。 好好活就是做有意义的事, 有意义的事也许并没有意义, 所以我看好房地产。

  • 未来

PAC-3导弹迟早早晚会被淘汰掉,未来最厉害的武器应该是场: 电磁场、引力场、流场、气场、压力场、官场、商场、风月场、名利场、资本市场等等。 远程、瞬间、精准,也可以大范围的, 并不需要看得见的物理投送。

让多数人看起来像得了感冒的冠状病毒,很有可能会进入生化武器名单, 用于扰乱市场、转移矛盾。

  • 一直好奇的


好像一般都愿意做饭或做菜,不愿意刷盘子洗碗。 以我几个月的刷碗经验,大家应该都不喜欢油腻。

村里越来越难混了,虽然不是卧龙,怎么也算个雏凤吧。 一般的小学奥数,就是不会,也能给你百度出来啊。 为啥是凤雏,明明雏凤更对卧龙。

  • 弹道导弹防御常用文献源

Army Budget
Army Fact Files
Brookings Institution
Centre for European Reform
Council on Foreign Relations
University of North Texas Digital Library
Open CRS
Center for Strategic & International Studies
Defense and International Relations Agencies and Organizations Defense Daily
Defense News
Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy
Defense Science Board
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
DOD Appropriations/Authorizations/Military Construction
DOD Contracts Archive
DOD Missile Defense Agency
Federal Procurement Data System
FedSearch Suite
Global Security Newswire
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
IHS Jane’s 360
IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly
Institute of Defense Analysis
Inside Defense
Lockheed Martin
Military Times
National Defense Magazine
Office of the Clerk-House of Representatives
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
SEC Filings



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