MK-72 助推器
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The newest missile to join the VLS inventory is STANDARD Missile 2 BLOCK IV (SM-2 BLK IV). This missile employs a Thrust Vector Controlled (TVC) booster, the MK 72, which has made very high altitude, increased crossrange, and long range engagements possible. The TVC design consists of four gimbaled nozzles which expedite missile pitch-over from an initial vertical orientation, Figure 2. The MK 72 exhaust mass flowrate is two to three times greater than SM-2 BLK II motor, MK 104, which was previously used for worst-case missile exhaust plume analysis. [1]
The MK 72 motor's gimbaled nozzles, combined with the larger mass flowrate, result in potentially greater exhaust plume impingement effects on the ship's structure and equipment located near VLS. The motor nozzles can deflect from undeflected (null), which will cause the exhaust plume to redirect about the ship after missile egress. The resultant thrust vector of the four nozzles at maximum deflection is from the longitudinal axis of the missile. [1]
用于现有垂直发射系统的最新导弹是“标准”SM-2 Block IV导弹。该导弹采用 MK 72 推力矢量控制(TVC)助推器,这种助推器可使导弹的射高、横向距离和射程增大。TVC助推器有4个偏转喷管,这些喷管可加速导弹从最初垂直方向按程序转弯的进程。MK 72 助推器燃气质量流量是“标准”SM-2 Block II 导弹 MK 104 发动机的2~3倍,该发动机以前曾用于最坏情况下导弹燃气流的分析。[2]
质量流量较大的 MK 72 发动机偏转喷管的燃气流撞击对垂直发射系统附近的舰艇结构和设备可产生较大的影响。发动机喷管可从零位偏转 ,从而可在导弹发射后使燃气流在舰艇附近改变方向。在最大偏转的情况下,4个喷管的合成推力矢量偏离导弹的纵轴线 。[2] [3]
MK-72 助推器参数 [4]
Manufacturer: Aerojet
Diameter: 0.53m
Length: 1.70m
Volume: 0.374 m3
Loaded Mass: 712 kg
Propellant Mass: 468 kg
Empty Mass: 244 kg
Propellant Type: HTPB-AP
Propellant ISP: 260 to 265 seconds
Burn Length: 6 seconds

- 1.Jon W. Frederick, Micheal M. Kordich and Dean A. Pollet. STANDARD Missile 2 BLOCK IV Missile/Ship Integration. Naval Engineers Journal. 1996 ↩︎
2.刘洁, 陈拯民. “标准”SM-2 Block Ⅳ导弹和舰艇的一体化
舰载武器. 1998 ↩︎ -
3.彭瑾, 熊本炎
标准-3导弹固体火箭发动机关键技术分析 推进技术. 2015 ↩︎ - 4.Big Book of Warfare. U.S. Navy Standard Missile Family. Accessed 2021 ↩︎
- 5.Charles A. Chase. Pioneers in Propulsion - A History of CSD Pratt & Whitney's Solid Rocket Company. 2010 ↩︎